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删除句点,然后将“@”后的 email 扩展名删除到新列中以提取名字和姓氏信息

[英]Remove period then email extension after '@' into new column to extract first and last name information

I have a list of emails that are in the format firstname.lastname@email.com.我有一个格式为 firstname.lastname@email.com 的电子邮件列表。 I would like to create a new column with only the first and last name extracted from the email address.我想创建一个新列,其中仅包含从 email 地址中提取的名字和姓氏。

I am using PySpark. This is an example of the desired output:我正在使用 PySpark。这是所需 output 的示例:

data = [{"Email": "john.doe@email.com", "Role": "manager"},
{"Email": "jane.doe@email.com", "Role": "vp"}]

df = spark.createDataFrame(data)


# original data set
|Email             |Role   |
|jane.doe@email.com|vp     |

# what I want the output to look like
|Email             |Role   |Name    |
|john.doe@email.com|manager|john doe|
|jane.doe@email.com|vp     |jane doe|

How can I remove the period, replace it with a space, then drop everything after the @ into a new column to get the names like the example above?如何删除句点,将其替换为空格,然后将 @ 之后的所有内容放入新列中以获得如上例所示的名称?

It will replace the .它将取代. and @... with a space@...有一个空间 which we'll have to trim from the end.我们必须从最后修剪。

from pyspark.sql import functions as F

df.withColumn('Name', F.trim(F.regexp_replace('Email', '\.|@.*', ' '))).show()
# +------------------+-------+--------+
# |             Email|   Role|    Name|
# +------------------+-------+--------+
# |john.doe@email.com|manager|john doe|
# |jane.doe@email.com|     vp|jane doe|
# +------------------+-------+--------+

You can use Python's .split method for strings and a loop to add a "Name" field to each record in your list.您可以对字符串使用 Python 的.split方法,并使用循环将“名称”字段添加到列表中的每条记录。

for d in data:
    d["Name] = " ".join(d["Email"].split("@")[0].split("."))

In the above loop we split the "Email" field at the "@" character, creating a list of two elements, of which we take the first one, and then split that on the character ".", which gives us the first and last name.在上面的循环中,我们在“@”字符处拆分“Email”字段,创建一个包含两个元素的列表,其中我们取第一个,然后在字符“.”处拆分它,这给了我们第一个和姓。 Then we join them with a space (" ") in between.然后我们用一个空格 (" ") 将它们连接起来。

You can use regex_extract and regex_replace .您可以使用regex_extractregex_replace

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = df.withColumn('Name', F.regexp_extract(
        F.regexp_replace('Email', '\.', ' '), 

First, regexp_replace('Email', '\.', ' ') will replace .首先, regexp_replace('Email', '\.', ' ')将替换. to space in Email column.Email列中的空间。

Then, regexp_extract(..., '(.*)@', 1) will extract the 1st capture group.然后, regexp_extract(..., '(.*)@', 1)将提取第一个捕获组。

Regex explanation正则表达式解释

(.*) => .* is any characters with any length. Wrap with () to make a capture group.
@ => match @ mark. 

(.*)@ => 1st Capture group will capture any characters before @.

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