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如何在没有 Google App Engine 的情况下部署 GWT 网站? 是否可以使用 GitHub 页面?

[英]How do I deploy a GWT website without Google App Engine? Is it possible to use GitHub Pages?

The Issue问题

Hi, I made a GWT (Google Web Toolkit) website, but now that I am done, I'm not sure how to host the website.您好,我创建了一个 GWT(Google Web 工具包)网站,但现在我已经完成了,我不确定如何托管该网站。

The code is only client-side, so I'm not sure where the problem is.该代码只是客户端,所以我不确定问题出在哪里。

I would be grateful for any advice on where and how to host a GWT website.如果您能提供有关在何处以及如何托管 GWT 网站的任何建议,我将不胜感激。

Here's the GWT app on GitHub: https://github.com/aryanka15/GWTCledgeTextParser My attempt to use GitHub Pages: https://github.com/aryanka15/aryanka15.github.io这是GWT APP上的GitHub: https:///github.com/github.com/aryanka5/gwtcledgetextparser尝试使用88155555247988.888888888888808080808080808080808080808.ABRAIR

What I tried:我尝试了什么:

I tried using GitHub Pages, but it doesn't work, for some reason the JS file is not recognized by browsers or something like that.我尝试使用 GitHub 页面,但它不起作用,由于某种原因浏览器或类似的东西无法识别 JS 文件。

The build Java with Ant Github Action doesn't work either.构建 Java 和 Ant Github 操作也不起作用。

I also tried using Google App Engine, but it is a very complicated process that I couldn't get working, and I would like to avoid it if possible.我也尝试过使用 Google App Engine,但这是一个非常复杂的过程,我无法开始工作,如果可能的话,我想避免它。

Also, I used VSCode to develop the application, if that helps.另外,如果有帮助的话,我使用 VSCode 来开发应用程序。 I think that many of the Google App Engine plugins for IDE's like Eclipse are deprecated, but let me know if I'm wrong.我认为许多适用于 IDE 的 Google App Engine 插件已被弃用,例如 Eclipse,但如果我错了请告诉我。

Thank you!谢谢!

Nvm, I wasn't being very smart. Nvm,我不是很聪明。 I just had to change the html to index.html, make necessary adjustments in the js files, and added all the files inside war to GitHub with the same file structure.我只需要将 html 更改为 index.html,在 js 文件中进行必要的调整,并将 war 中的所有文件添加到具有相同文件结构的 GitHub。

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