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PDA M 中的堆栈大小可以增长到最多容纳 k 个符号。 L(M) 是什么语言?

[英]the stack size in a PDA M can grow to hold at most k symbols. What kind of language is L(M)?

the stack size in a PDA M can grow to hold at most k symbols. PDA M 中的堆栈大小可以增长到最多容纳 k 个符号。 What kind of language is L(M)? L(M) 是什么语言? Prove your claim.证明你的主张。

I think the answer for this is this: The language L(M) is a regular language if it can hold at most k symbols.我认为答案是这样的:如果语言 L(M) 最多可以容纳 k 个符号,则它是一种常规语言。 Since it can hold at most k symbols, the stack size is therefore finite.由于它最多可以容纳 k 个符号,因此堆栈大小是有限的。 Furthermore, we can create a DFA that will accept L(M), and therefore we can conclude that this language L(M) is regular.此外,我们可以创建一个接受 L(M) 的 DFA,因此我们可以得出结论,该语言 L(M) 是正则的。

But I am having a debate with my friends whether this is correct or not但是我正在和我的朋友争论这是否正确

You are correct, such automata accept the regular languages.你是对的,这样的自动机接受常规语言。

One way to argue this is by showing how to construct an NFA for any of these limited-stack PDAs.论证这一点的一种方法是展示如何为这些有限堆栈 PDA 中的任何一个构建 NFA。 The construction is easy, as you have suggested and has been suggested in the comments:构造很简单,正如您所建议的那样,并在评论中提出了建议:

  1. take your limited-stack PDA带上你的有限堆栈 PDA
  2. for every state q and every possible stack configuration S (there can be no more than (|E| + 1)^k of them for sure) in the limited-stack PDA, define state qS in the NFA对于有限堆栈 PDA 中的每个 state q 和每个可能的堆栈配置 S(肯定不会超过 (|E| + 1)^k),在 NFA 中定义 state qS
  3. for every transition (q, S, s, q', S') where q is the initial state, S is the initial stack configuration, s is the transition symbol, q' is the transition state and S' is the stack configuration after the transition, add a transition from qS to q'S' in the NFA on symbol s.对于每个转换 (q, S, s, q', S'),其中 q 是初始 state,S 是初始堆栈配置,s 是转换符号,q' 是转换 state,S' 是之后的堆栈配置转移,在符号 s 上的 NFA 中添加从 qS 到 q'S' 的转移。 Note: do this for empty/epsilon/lambda transitions as well注意:对空/epsilon/lambda 转换也执行此操作
  4. make the initial state of the NFA the state q0S0 the one where q0 is the initial state of the limited-stack PDA and S0 is the empty stack将 NFA 的初始 state 设为 state q0S0 其中 q0 是有限堆栈 PDA 的初始 state,S0 是空堆栈
  5. make the accepting states of the PDA those states qaSa where qa is accepting in the limited-stack PDA (and/or if you are accepting by empty stack, Sa is the empty stack).使 PDA 的接受状态成为 qaSa,其中 qa 在有限堆栈 PDA 中接受(和/或如果您通过空堆栈接受,Sa 是空堆栈)。


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