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[英]applications of Procedural Generation outside of game developement

are there any implementations of procedurally generated code,in domains outside of game dev and film, are there any application of the concept as a whole is front-end developement or even system's engineering在游戏开发和电影之外的领域是否有任何程序生成代码的实现,作为一个整体的概念是否有任何应用是前端开发甚至系统工程

as far as i'm aware it's all game dev据我所知,这都是游戏开发者

The main general-purpose use I can think of off the top of my head is testing .我能想到的主要通用用途是测试

It is sometimes useful to generate large amounts of realistic-ish data as input when testing a system.在测试系统时,生成大量逼真的数据作为输入有时很有用。 This could be used as a non-deterministic test to just toss a large amount of random test cases and the expected result to build confidence that the system works beyond your own hand-written test cases.这可以用作非确定性测试,只是抛出大量随机测试用例和预期结果,以建立系统工作超出您自己的手写测试用例的信心。

Generating a large amount of realistic input data at once could also be used to stress-test a system.一次生成大量实际输入数据也可用于对系统进行压力测试。

A sub-category is fuzzing , which is running tests with randomly generated garbage data to see if the program behaves in a well-behaved way even when the input is corrupt or nonsensical.一个子类别是模糊测试,它使用随机生成的垃圾数据运行测试,以查看程序是否以良好的方式运行,即使输入是损坏的或无意义的。

Of course, if a system deals with certain domains, procedural generation may also be more useful.当然,如果一个系统处理某些领域,程序生成也可能更有用。 For instance, a system for performing physics simulations of your designs in various scenarios, say "how does this airplane part handle different types of turbulence".例如,一个用于在各种情况下对您的设计进行物理模拟的系统,比如“这个飞机部件如何处理不同类型的湍流”。 These are more domain-specific cases, however.然而,这些是更多特定领域的案例。

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