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[英]Successive approximation of unkown value

I have a url with a page system.我有一个带有寻呼系统的 url。

For instance https://myURL?p=50例如 https://myURL?p=50

But I want a script to find the last page available, for instance, let's say p=187但是我想要一个脚本来找到可用的最后一页,例如,假设 p=187

I have a function checkEmpty() that tells me whether the page is empty or not.我有一个 function checkEmpty() 告诉我页面是否为空。 So for instance:例如:

$myUrl = new URL(50); //https://myURL?p=50
//This evaluates to false -> the page exists

$myUrl = new URL(188); //https://myURL?p=188
//This evaluates to true -> the page does NOT exist

$myUrl = new URL(187); //https://myURL?p=187
//This evaluates to false -> the page exists

I did a naive algorithm, that you might guess it, performs too much requests.我做了一个天真的算法,你可能会猜到它执行了太多的请求。

My question is: What would be the algorithm to find the last page with the minimal amount of requests?我的问题是:用最少的请求找到最后一页的算法是什么?

EDIT As requested by people in the comment here is the checkEmpty() implementation编辑按照评论中的人们的要求,这里是 checkEmpty() 实现

public function checkEmpty() : bool
    $criteria = "Aucun contenu disponible";
    if(strstr( $this->replace_carriage_return(" ", $this->getHtml()), $criteria) !== false)
        return true;
        return false;

Since the upper bound is not known, exponentially increase the page no by 2 starting from 1. The moment you hit a non-existent page, you can do a binary search from previous existing page + 1 till this new upper bound where the page doesn't exist.由于上限未知,因此从 1 开始以指数方式将页面编号增加 2。当您遇到不存在的页面时,您可以从先前的现有页面 + 1 进行binary search ,直到该页面不存在的新上限'存在。

This way, you can get your answer in O(log(n)) attempts asymptotically where n is the no.这样,您可以在O(log(n))次渐进尝试中得到答案,其中n是编号。 of existing pages here as the sample space.此处的现有页面作为示例空间。


$lowerBound = 1;
$upperBound = 1;

    $myUrl = new URL($upperBound);
    $lowerBound = $upperBound + 1;
    $upperBound <<= 1;

$ans = $lowerBound;

while($lowerBound <= $upperBound){
    $mid = $lowerBound + (($upperBound - $lowerBound) >> 1);
    $myUrl = new URL($mid);
        $upperBound = $mid - 1;
        $lowerBound = $mid + 1;
        $ans = $lowerBound;

echo $ans;

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