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Audio resample 11025Hz to 48000Hz with ffmpeg 其他方式

[英]Audio resample 11025Hz to 48000Hz with ffmpeg of other ways

I have many wav files 11025Hz 8bit and I like to resample to 48000Hz becouse I like to increase the high frequency.我有很多 11025Hz 8 位的 wav 文件,我喜欢重新采样到 48000Hz,因为我想增加高频。

I ask if ffmpeg can do it.请问ffmpeg可以吗I have found this: https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-resampler.html我发现了这个: https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-resampler.html

but It is not clear if can be useful.但尚不清楚是否有用。 I ask if ffmpeg can do it with good result or I need to find other specific software.请问ffmpeg能不能搞定效果好还是要找其他具体的软件。

ffmpeg -i yourfile.wav -osr 48000 outfile.wav
The switch -osr is for output sample rate.开关-osr用于 output 采样率。

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