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将 pandas 'timed' dataframe 重组为单行以允许连接

[英]Reorganize pandas 'timed' dataframe into single row to allow for concat

I have dataframes (stored in excel files) of data for a single participant each of which look like我有一个参与者的数据数据框(存储在 excel 个文件中),每个参与者看起来像

df1 = pd.DataFrame([['15:05', '15:06', '15:07', '15:08'], [7.333879016553067, 8.066897471204006, 7.070168678977272, 6.501888904228463], [64.16712081101915, 65.08486717007806, 67.22483766233766, 64.40328265521458],
[114.21879259980525, 116.49792952572476, 113.26931818181818, 108.35424424108551]]).T

df1.columns  = ['Start', 'CO', 'Dia', 'Sys']
Start开始 CO一氧化碳 Dia直径 Sys系统
0 0 15:05 15:05 7.33388 7.33388 64.1671 64.1671 114.219 114.219
1 1个 15:06 15:06 8.0669 8.0669 65.0849 65.0849 116.498 116.498
2 2个 15:07 15:07 7.07017 7.07017 67.2248 67.2248 113.269 113.269
3 3个 15:08 15:08 6.50189 6.50189 64.4033 64.4033 108.354 108.354

and I need to unstack it into 1 row so that I can then read all the different participants into a single dataframe. I have tried using the answer to this question , and the answer to this question to get something like this (a multiindexed dataframe)我需要将它拆成一行,这样我就可以将所有不同的参与者读入一个unstack我已经尝试使用这个问题的答案,以及这个问题答案来得到这样的东西(多索引数据框)

Time 1时间 1 Time 2时间 2
CO一氧化碳 Dia直径 Sys系统 CO一氧化碳 Dia直径 Sys系统
0 0 7.33388 7.33388 64.1671 64.1671 114.219 114.219 8.0669 8.0669 65.0849 65.0849 116.498 116.498

But what I'm ending up with is但我最终得到的是

('15:05', 'CO') ('15:05', 'CO') ('15:05', 'Dia') ('15:05', '直径') ('15:05', 'Sys') ('15:05', '系统') ('15:06', 'CO') ('15:06', 'CO') ('15:06', 'Dia') ('15:06', '直径') ('15:06', 'Sys') ('15:06', '系统')
0 0 7.33388 7.33388 64.1671 64.1671 114.219 114.219 nan nan nan
1 1个 nan nan nan 8.0669 8.0669 65.0849 65.0849 116.498 116.498

So as you can see, each minute is still a new row but now they are arranged in an even less useful way.因此,正如您所见,每一分钟仍然是一个新行,但现在它们的排列方式更加无用。

Can anyone offer advice?谁能提供建议?

Assuming that each row is Time 0 , Time 1 , etc. We can use the index for our top level in the MultiIndex假设每一行都是Time 0Time 1等。我们可以在 MultiIndex 中使用我们的顶级索引

# convert index to string and add "Time "
df1.index = "Time " + df1.index.astype(str)

Then groupby the index, take the max (or some other aggregate that keeps the original values) of all columns besides "Start" (0th element), stack, convert back to a frame, and transpose然后按索引分组,取除“开始”(第 0 个元素)之外所有列的最大值(或其他一些保留原始值的聚合),堆叠,转换回帧,然后转置

out = df1.groupby(df1.index)[df1.columns[1:]].max().stack().to_frame().T


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