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具有 2 个以上步骤的算法的最坏情况时间复杂度

[英]Worst-case time complexity of an algorithm with 2+ steps

My goal is to write an algorithm that checks if an unsorted array of positive integers contains a value x and x^2 and return their indices if so.我的目标是编写一个算法来检查未排序的正整数数组是否包含值 x 和 x^2,如果包含,则返回它们的索引。 I've solved this by proposing that first you sort the array using merge sort, then perform binary search for x, then perform binary search for x^2.我已经解决了这个问题,建议首先使用归并排序对数组进行排序,然后对 x 执行二进制搜索,然后对 x^2 执行二进制搜索。 I then wrote that "since binary search has worst-case runtime of O(log n) and merge sort has worst-case runtime of O(n log n), we conclude that the worst-case runtime of this algorithm is O(n log n)."然后我写道:“由于二分搜索的最坏情况运行时间为 O(log n),归并排序的最坏情况运行时间为 O(n log n),我们得出结论,该算法的最坏情况运行时间为 O(n记录 n)。” Am I correct in my understanding that when analyzing the overall efficiency of an algorithm that involves steps with different runtimes, we just take the one with the longest runtime?我的理解是否正确,在分析涉及具有不同运行时间的步骤的算法的整体效率时,我们只采用运行时间最长的那个? Or is it more involved than this?或者它比这更复杂? Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

Since O(log n) < O(n log n) :由于O(log n) < O(n log n)

O(n log n) + O(log n) + O(log n) = O(n log n)

So the time complexity of the hole algorithm is O(n log n) .所以打洞算法的时间复杂度是O(n log n)

Your question is a bit ambigous.你的问题有点模棱两可。 Do you get你明白了吗

  1. an unsorted list [a,b,c...] and a specific x to search for as parameter?一个未排序的列表[a,b,c...]和一个特定的x作为参数搜索?


  1. just get the list and have to find if there is at least one pair (x,y) with x^2 = y contained in the list?只需获取列表,然后必须查找列表中是否至少有一对(x,y)x^2 = y

Now as you have cleared it's the first, the answer is O(n) , because you just have to iterate over the list (no need to sort or binary search) and check for each element if it's equal to x or x^2 .现在你已经清除了它是第一个,答案是O(n) ,因为你只需要遍历列表(不需要排序或二进制搜索)并检查每个元素是否等于xx^2 If you find both, the list fulfills the condition.如果两者都找到,则该列表满足条件。

function match(list, x) {
  let ix = -1, ixx = -1;
  for (let i = 0; i< list.length && (ix == -1 || ixx == -1); i++) {
    if (i == x) ix = i;
    if (i == x*x) ixx = i;
  return [ix, ixx];

This returns the indexes of x and x^2 or, if not found -1 for the respective index.这将返回xx^2的索引,或者如果没有找到相应索引的-1 It returns, once both values are found in the list一旦在列表中找到两个值,它就会返回

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