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无法连接到 Rabbit MQ

[英]Unable to Connect to Rabbit MQ

I am using amazon service and created rabbitmq broker now from the DOT.NET code i am trying to connect to this broker.我正在使用亚马逊服务,现在从 DOT.NET 代码创建了 rabbitmq 代理,我正在尝试连接到该代理。

   var factory = new ConnectionFactory
      Uri = new Uri("amqps://it:Password@hostname:5671")

    var connection = factory.CreateConnection();

I am struggle here to get connection getting below error:我在这里努力让连接低于错误:

  None of the specified endpoints were reachable

   at RabbitMQ.Client.ConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(IEndpointResolver endpointResolver, String clientProvidedName)


It seems your client wants to connect using TLS/SSL (your uri specifies the protocol "amqps" and the port 5671).您的客户端似乎想要使用 TLS/SSL 进行连接(您的 uri 指定协议“amqps”和端口 5671)。

Try enabling TLS/SSL:尝试启用 TLS/SSL:

var factory = new ConnectionFactory { 
UserName = userName, 
Password = password, 
VirtualHost = "/", 
HostName = hostName, 
Port = port, 
Ssl = new SslOption 
  { Enabled = true, // <--------
    ServerName = hostName } 

The (JVM based) guide shows how to configure the connection factory. (基于 JVM 的) 指南展示了如何配置连接工厂。 It sets the credentials on the factory, not in the URI:它在工厂而不是 URI 中设置凭据:

ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();

factory.setUsername(username); // <----------
factory.setPassword(password); // <----------

//Replace the URL with your information

// Allows client to establish a connection over TLS

// Create a connection
Connection conn = factory.newConnection();

(This needs to be translated to the corresponding .NET code) (这个需要翻译成对应的.NET码)

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