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cin.ignore() 第一次不通过循环延迟输入

[英]cin.ignore() not delaying input first time through loop

I'm trying to code a version of the picolo mobile drinking game app for me and my friends to play (it seemed simple enough and we were sick of the questions in the app so we wanted to be able to write our own).我正在尝试编写一个版本的 picolo 移动饮酒游戏应用程序供我和我的朋友玩(这看起来很简单,我们厌倦了应用程序中的问题,所以我们希望能够编写自己的)。 The way that it is supposed to work is by prompting for the number of players, randomizing the order of the questions, and then asking them one by one.它应该工作的方式是提示玩家的数量,随机排列问题的顺序,然后一个一个地问他们。 I tried to use cin.ignore() to wait to ask the next question until the user presses enter, and it works for every iteration except the first.我尝试使用 cin.ignore() 等到用户按下回车键后再问下一个问题,它适用于除第一次迭代之外的所有迭代。 Here's the source code:这是源代码:

using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::random_shuffle;
using std::ifstream;
using std::string;
const int numQuestions = 19;
int vir6rounds;
bool activeVir6 = false;
int v6counter = 0;

void getQuestion(int questionNumber, string players[], int numPlayers);
int getRandom();

int main()
  // Create array of player names based on entered size
  cout << "Enter \"quit\" to end game" << endl;
  cout << "How many players?" << endl;
  int numPlayers;
  cin >> numPlayers;
  cout << "Enter players' names: " << endl;
  string players[numPlayers];
  for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++)
    cin >> players[i];
  bool loop = true;
  int qArray[numQuestions];
  // Populate array
  for (int i = 0; i < numQuestions; i++)
    qArray[i] = i;
  while (loop)
    // Reshuffle array each time game is looped
    random_shuffle(qArray, qArray + numQuestions);
    for (int i = 0; i < numQuestions; i++)
      // Choose 3 random player names from array
      // Changes each time a new question is generated
      random_shuffle(players, players + numPlayers);
      getQuestion(qArray[i], players, numPlayers);
      cin.ignore();                                                     // Problem here
    cout << "Game over; press enter to play again" << endl;

void getQuestion(int questionNumber, string players[], int numPlayers)

  if (activeVir6 == true)
    if (v6counter == vir6rounds)
      cout << "Pong loser can speak again." << endl;
      activeVir6 = false;
      v6counter = 0;
  string player1 = players[0];
  string player2 = players[1];
  string player3 = players[2];
  switch (questionNumber)
  case 0:
    cout << "Going around, Play rock paper scissors with the player to your left." << endl;
    cout << "Losers take two drinks." << endl;
  case 1:
    cout << player1 << ", who would win in a fight? " << player2 << " or " << player3 << "?";
    cout << "Loser takes two drinks." << endl;;
  case 2:
    cout << player1 << " chooses the next song" << endl;
  case 3:
    cout << "Whoever took a shower the least recently has to take a drink" << endl;
  case 4:
    cout << player1 << ", take as many penalties as you want.";
    cout << "However many you took, " << player2 << " has to take double." << endl;
  case 5:
    cout << "Everyone switch drinks to the left" << endl;
  case 6:
    cout << "virus: " << player1 << " versus " << player2 << " in pong." << endl;
    cout << "loser can't speak until otherwise" << endl;
    activeVir6 = true;
    vir6rounds = getRandom();
  case 7:
    cout << player1 << " take as many penalties as the youngest players age.\nIf you're the youngest, everyone else take 2." << endl;
  case 8:
    cout << player1 << ", buy " << player2 << " a red bull or take 15 penalties" << endl;
  case 9:
    cout << player1 << ", let " << player2 << " look through your snap memories or take 8 penalties" << endl;
  case 10:
    cout << player1 << " has to say yes to " << player2 << " for 5 minutes or take 8 penalties" << endl;
  case 11:
    cout << player1 << ", show off ur best cartwheel" << endl;
  case 12:
    cout << player1 << ", change clothes with " << player2 << " or they pick how many penalties you take" << endl;
  case 13:
    cout << player1 << ", pick someone new to go on aux or they take 5 penalties" << endl;
  case 14:
    cout << player1 << ", cook " << player2 << " a meal or take 9 penalties" << endl;
  case 15:
    cout << player1 << ", pick two people to shotgun" << endl;
  case 16:
    cout << player1 << ", let " << player2 << " paint ur nails or take 10 penalties" << endl;
  case 17:
    cout << player1 << ", every time you talk to " << player2 << " take 3 penalties until otherwise" << endl;
  case 18:
    cout << player1 << ", kill yourself or take a penalty." << endl;
    cout << "question has not been defined yet" << endl;

Here is some example input.这是一些示例输入。 Everything else seems to run fine;其他一切似乎都运行良好; the only problem I've come across is that after entering the names, the program prints the first two lines (in this case, "helen, buy john a red bull or take 15 penalties" and "dylan chooses the next song") at the same time before working correctly.我遇到的唯一问题是,在输入名字后,程序打印前两行(在本例中,“海伦,给约翰买一头红牛或接受 15 次处罚”和“迪伦选择下一首歌”)在在正常工作之前的同一时间。

Enter "quit" to end game
How many players?
Enter players' names:
helen, buy john a red bull or take 15 penalties
dylan chooses the next song

mark, let stacy look through your snap memories or take 8 penalties

helen has to say yes to mark for 5 minutes or take 8 penalties

Everyone switch drinks to the left

I'm not all too concerned with the efficiency of the code or the typical pitfalls of the rand() function due to the low-stakes nature of the game, mostly just with getting it to print out each line one at a time as intended.由于游戏的低风险性质,我不太关心代码的效率或 rand() function 的典型陷阱,主要是让它按预期一次打印出每一行. However, as a new and admittedly shabby programmer, all advice would be welcomed and appreciated.然而,作为一个新的和公认的寒酸的程序员,所有的建议都会受到欢迎和赞赏。

The first iteration doesn't wait on cin.ignore() (which BTW is not a good way to wait for an ENTER press) because there is still a line break present in the input buffer that was left over after the last player's name was read in.第一次迭代不会等待cin.ignore() (顺便说一句,这不是等待ENTER键的好方法),因为输入缓冲区中仍然存在换行符,这是在最后一个玩家的名字被输入后留下的读入。

Try using std::getline() instead of operator>> to read in each player's name, it will and automatically discard the trailing line break for you.尝试使用std::getline()而不是operator>>来读取每个玩家的名字,它会自动为您丢弃尾随换行符。 Just watch out for this gotcha:请注意这个陷阱:

Why does std::getline() skip input after a formatted extraction?为什么 std::getline() 在格式化提取后跳过输入?

Also, string players[numPlayers];另外, string players[numPlayers]; is not standard C++:不是标准的 C++:

Why aren't variable-length arrays part of the C++ standard?为什么可变长度 arrays 不是 C++ 标准的一部分?

Use std::vector instead.请改用std::vector

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