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如何将自动绘图中呈现的两个图中的线系列组合成一个 plot,共享相同的 y 轴和两个不同的 x 轴?

[英]How to combine the line series in two plots rendered in autoplot into a single plot, sharing the same y-axis and with two different x-axes?

In the below code, I render two separate plots using the autoplot() function. The first plot ( transPlot1 ) allows the user to transform the data series via slider input, whereas the 2nd plot shows the original untransformed series ( transPlot2 ) and is completely static. I'd like to show the two data series in the same plot, with the first series shown on the primary x-axis (on the left, and its x-axis values vary depending on the slider input) and the 2nd series shown on the secondary x-axis (on the right, and it always remains fixed as this shows the original data before transformation).在下面的代码中,我使用autoplot() function 渲染了两个单独的图。第一个 plot ( transPlot1 ) 允许用户通过 slider 输入转换数据系列,而第二个 plot 显示原始未转换系列 ( transPlot2 ) 并且完全static。我想在同一个 plot 中显示两个数据系列,第一个系列显示在主 x 轴上(在左侧,其 x 轴值根据 slider 输入而变化)和第二个系列显示在次要 x 轴上(在右侧,它始终保持固定,因为它显示了转换前的原始数据)。 I'd like to place the two series on the same plot so the user can see the effect on the transformation on the shape of the data.我想将这两个系列放在同一个 plot 上,这样用户就可以看到数据形状转换的效果。 This is the sort of thing that was easy to do in XLS but I have migrated to R.这是在 XLS 中很容易做到的事情,但我已经迁移到 R。

Any recommendations for how to do this?有关如何执行此操作的任何建议?



DF <- data.frame(
  Month = c(1:12),
  StateX = c(59,77,45,42,32,26,27,21,19,22,24,10)
DF1 <- DF %>% as_tsibble(index = Month)

ui <- fluidPage(
  sliderInput("lambda","Transformation lambda:",min=-2,max=2,value=0.5,step = 0.1),
server <- function(input, output) {
  output$transPlot1 <- renderPlot({
    DF1 %>%
      autoplot(box_cox(StateX, input$lambda)) +
      labs(y = "",
           title = latex2exp::TeX(paste0(
             "Transformed units reaching StateX",
  output$transPlot2 <- renderPlot({
    autoplot(DF1, StateX) +
      labs(y = "")
shinyApp(ui, server)

One option to achieve your desired result would be to add your untransformed series to the autoplot via a geom_line and to add a secondary scale.实现所需结果的一种选择是通过autoplot将未转换的系列添加到自动geom_line并添加辅助比例。 As usual when adding a secondary scale to a ggplot this requires some transformation of the data to be displayed on the secondary axis.像往常一样,在向ggplot添加辅助刻度时,这需要对要显示在辅助轴上的数据进行一些转换。 To this end I added a reactive to do all the transformations, including the Box-Cox transformation and the transformation needed for the secondary scale.为此,我添加了一个反应来完成所有的转换,包括 Box-Cox 转换和二级尺度所需的转换。 For the last part I use scales::rescale .对于最后一部分,我使用scales::rescale

#> Loading required package: fabletools

DF <- data.frame(
  Month = c(1:12),
  StateX = c(59, 77, 45, 42, 32, 26, 27, 21, 19, 22, 24, 10)
DF1 <- DF %>% as_tsibble(index = Month)

ui <- fluidPage(
  sliderInput("lambda", "Transformation lambda:", min = -2, max = 2, value = 0.5, step = 0.1),
server <- function(input, output) {
  DF1_trans <- reactive({
    DF1 %>%
        state_x_box = box_cox(StateX, input$lambda),
        state_x_raw = scales::rescale(StateX, to = range(state_x_box))
  output$transPlot1 <- renderPlot({
    to_range <- range(DF1_trans()$StateX)

    DF1_trans() %>%
      autoplot(state_x_box) +
      geom_line(data = DF1_trans(), aes(Month, state_x_raw, color = "Untransformed Series")) +
        sec.axis = sec_axis(
          name = "Untransformed",
          trans = ~ scales::rescale(.x, to = to_range))) +
        y = "",
        title = latex2exp::TeX(paste0(
          "Transformed units reaching StateX",
          round(input$lambda, 2)
shinyApp(ui, server)
#> Listening on


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