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Pyspark - 展平嵌套的 json

[英]Pyspark - Flatten nested json

I have a json that looks like this:我有一个看起来像这样的 json:

        "event_date": "20221207",
        "user_properties": [
                "key": "user_id",
                "value": {
                    "set_timestamp_micros": "1670450329209558"
                "key": "doc_id",
                "value": {
                    "set_timestamp_micros": "1670450329209558"
        "event_date": "20221208",
        "user_properties": [
                "key": "account_id",
                "value": {
                    "int_value": "3176465",
                    "set_timestamp_micros": "1670450323992556"
                "key": "user_id",
                "value": {
                    "string_value": "430fdfc579f55f9859173c1bea39713dc11c3ba62e83c24830e3d5936f43c26d",
                    "set_timestamp_micros": "1670450323992556"

When I read it using spark.read.json(JSON_PATH), I got the following schema:当我使用 spark.read.json(JSON_PATH) 读取它时,我得到了以下架构:

 |-- event_date: string (nullable = true)
 |-- user_properties: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
 |    |    |-- key: string (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- value: struct (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |-- int_value: string (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |-- set_timestamp_micros: string (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |-- string_value: string (nullable = true)

I need to parse it using pyspark and the result dataframe should be like this:我需要使用 pyspark 解析它,结果数据框应该是这样的:

event_date活动日期 up_account_id_int up_account_id_int up_account_id_set_timestamp_micros up_account_id_set_timestamp_micros up_doc_id_set_timestamp_micros up_doc_id_set_timestamp_micros up_user_id_set_timestamp_micros up_user_id_set_timestamp_micros up_user_id_string up_user_id_string
20221208 20221208 3176465 3176465 1670450323992556 1670450323992556 null无效的 1670450323992556 1670450323992556 430fdfc579f55f9859173c1bea39713dc11c3ba62e83c24830e3d5936f43c26d 430fdfc579f55f9859173c1bea39713dc11c3ba62e83c24830e3d5936f43c26d
20221207 20221207 null无效的 null无效的 1670450329209558 1670450329209558 1670450329209558 1670450329209558 null无效的

Any ideas on how can I accomplish it?关于如何完成它的任何想法?

You can use this function:您可以使用此功能:

import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame

def flattenDataframe(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {

val fields = df.schema.fields
val fieldNames = fields.map(x => x.name)
val length = fields.length

for (i <- 0 to fields.length - 1) {
  val field = fields(i)
  val fieldtype = field.dataType
  val fieldName = field.name
  fieldtype match {
    case arrayType: ArrayType =>
      val fieldNamesExcludingArray = fieldNames.filter(_ != fieldName)
      val fieldNamesAndExplode = fieldNamesExcludingArray ++ Array(s"explode_outer($fieldName) as $fieldName")
      // val fieldNamesToSelect = (fieldNamesExcludingArray ++ Array(s"$fieldName.*"))
      val explodedDf = df.selectExpr(fieldNamesAndExplode: _*)
      return flattenDataframe(explodedDf)
    case structType: StructType =>
      val childFieldnames = structType.fieldNames.map(childname => fieldName + "." + childname)
      val newfieldNames = fieldNames.filter(_ != fieldName) ++ childFieldnames
      val renamedcols = newfieldNames.map(x => (col(x.toString()).as(x.toString().replace(".", "_"))))
      val explodedf = df.select(renamedcols: _*)
      return flattenDataframe(explodedf)
    case _ =>

val flattendedJSON = flattenDataframe(df)

Before flattening:展平前:

|event_date|user_properties                                                                                                                                         |
|20221207  |[{user_id, {null, 1670450329209558, null}}, {doc_id, {null, 1670450329209558, null}}]                                                                   |
|20221208  |[{account_id, {3176465, 1670450323992556, null}}, {user_id, {null, 1670450323992556, 430fdfc579f55f9859173c1bea39713dc11c3ba62e83c24830e3d5936f43c26d}}]|

After flattening:展平后:

|event_date|user_properties_key|user_properties_value_int_value|user_properties_value_set_timestamp_micros|user_properties_value_string_value                              |
|20221207  |user_id            |null                           |1670450329209558                          |null                                                            |
|20221207  |doc_id             |null                           |1670450329209558                          |null                                                            |
|20221208  |account_id         |3176465                        |1670450323992556                          |null                                                            |
|20221208  |user_id            |null                           |1670450323992556                          |430fdfc579f55f9859173c1bea39713dc11c3ba62e83c24830e3d5936f43c26d|

First you can explode the array then flatten struct with select .首先,您可以explode数组,然后使用select展平结构。

df = (df.select('event_date', F.explode('user_properties').alias('user_properties'))
      .select('event_date', 'user_properties.key', 'user_properties.value.*')

And it seems you are pivoting the data.看来您正在旋转数据。 This won't give you the exact dataframe as you posted but you should be able to transform it as you like.这不会为您提供您发布的确切数据框,但您应该能够根据需要对其进行转换。

df = (df.groupby('event_date')

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