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如何舍入到最多 2 位小数,如有必要,使用 golang 投影 mongodb

[英]How to round to at most 2 decimal places, if necessary using golang projection mongodb

projectStage := bson.D{
{"$project", bson.D{
    {"_id", 0},
    {"name", "$_id"},
    {"total", 1},
    {"totalPagu", 1},
    {"idpagu", 1},
    {"pdn", bson.D{
        {"$round", bson.D{
            {"pdn", 1},

} }

I get an error here message:我在这里收到一条错误消息:

$round only supports numeric types, not object

How can I reslove this?我该如何解决这个问题?

In the Go programming language, you can use the fmt.Sprintf function to round a float to at most 2 decimal places.在 Go 编程语言中,您可以使用 fmt.Sprintf 函数将浮点数舍入到最多 2 位小数。

You can also use the math.Round function to round a float to the nearest integer, and then convert it to a string with the desired number of decimal places using fmt.Sprintf.您还可以使用 math.Round 函数将浮点数四舍五入为最接近的整数,然后使用 fmt.Sprintf 将其转换为具有所需小数位数的字符串。

The $round operator takes an array as its operand, specifying the number to round and the decimal places to round to: $round运算符将一个数组作为其操作数,指定要舍入的数字和要舍入到的小数位:

{ $round : [ <number>, <place> ] }

You may use the bson.A type to specify an array (or simply []any ).您可以使用bson.A类型来指定数组(或简单地[]any )。 So use the following project document:所以使用下面的项目文档:

projectStage := bson.D{
    {"$project", bson.D{
        {"_id", 0},
        {"name", "$_id"},
        {"total", 1},
        {"totalPagu", 1},
        {"idpagu", 1},
        {"pdn", bson.D{
            {"$round", bson.A{"$pdn", 2}},

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