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我如何在 Java 的最小堆中修复我的实现一个通用的 Decrease-Key 方法?

[英]How can i fix my implementation a generic Decrease-Key method in a Min Heap in java?

I want to decrease the value of an element with index i in my Min Heap data structure that i am implementing using an ArrayList (and then move the element in the correct position), here is the implementation of it, i will skip the insert, heapSize, method for the Min Heap implementation and other random stuff:我想减少我正在使用 ArrayList 实现的 Min Heap 数据结构中索引为 i 的元素的值(然后将元素移动到正确的位置),这是它的实现,我将跳过插入, heapSize,Min Heap 实现的方法和其他随机的东西:

public class MinHeap<T> {
    private List<T> MinHeap = null;
    private Comparator<? super T> comparator;
    private int size; 

    public MinHeap(Comparator<? super T> comparator) throws MinHeapException {
        if(comparator==null) throw new MinHeapException("MinHeap constructor: comparator parameter cannot be null");
        MinHeap = new ArrayList<>();
        size = 0; 
        this.comparator = comparator;

To compare the generic elements, in this case Integers, i am using a comparator Class as follows:为了比较通用元素,在本例中为整数,我使用了一个比较器类,如下所示:

public class IntegerComparator implements Comparator<Integer>{
  public int compare(Integer x, Integer y) {
    int result = Integer.valueOf(x).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(y));
    return result;


   public int subtract(Integer x, Integer y){
       int result = Integer.valueOf(x) - Integer.valueOf(y);
       return result;

Now, this is the method that i use to perform the Decrease-Key operation:现在,这是我用来执行 Decrease-Key 操作的方法:

    public void decreaseKey(int i, T key) {
        //here no error, no problem
        if ((this.comparator).compare(MinHeap.get(i), key) < 0 ) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key is larger than the original key");

        //here is the error. 
        int result = (this.comparator).subtract(MinHeap.get(i), key) ;

        MinHeap.set(i, result);

        int parent = parent(i);

        while (i > 0 && (this.comparator).compare(MinHeap.get(parent), MinHeap.get(i)) > 0) {

            swap(i, parent);
            i = parent;
            parent = parent(parent);

I am not understanding why when the compare function gets called there is no problem, but when i want to use my subtract function in the interface to get the result of the subtraction between the element at the i position and the key, java tells me that the parameters are of type T and they need to be of type Integer to perform the operation, but when the compare function gets called with T parameters, there is no problem in that.我不明白为什么调用比较函数时没有问题,但是当我想在界面中使用我的减法函数来获取第 i 个位置的元素与键之间的减法结果时,java 告诉我参数是 T 类型,它们需要是 Integer 类型才能执行操作,但是当使用 T 参数调用比较函数时,这没有问题。 How am i supposed to perform a generic subtraction for my method?我应该如何为我的方法执行通用减法? Below i will put the main of my program:下面我将把我的程序的主要部分:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws MinHeapException{
        MinHeap<Integer> heap = new MinHeap<>(new IntegerComparator());
        //array will be : 1, 11, 3, 14, 12, 32, 4
        heap.decreaseKey(4, 2);



I have put the subtract method in the Comparator class for simplicity, i didnt want to create a class only for that, also it seemed logical, but not sure about this.为简单起见,我将 subtract 方法放在 Comparator 类中,我不想为此创建一个类,这看起来也合乎逻辑,但对此不确定。

I have put the subtract method in the Comparator class for simplicity, i didnt want to create a class only for that, also it seemed logical, but not sure about this.为简单起见,我将 subtract 方法放在 Comparator 类中,我不想为此创建一个类,这看起来也合乎逻辑,但对此不确定。

The Comparator interface does not declare a subtract method. Comparator接口不声明subtract方法。 Even if a specific implementation of it has it, you cannot call it without casting.即使它的特定实现具有它,您也不能在不强制转换的情况下调用它。 You can define your own interface instead.您可以改为定义自己的接口。

public interface HeapComparator<T> extends Comparator<T> {
    int subtract(T x, T y);
public class IntegerComparator implements HeapComparator<Integer> {
    public int compare(Integer x, Integer y) {
        int result = Integer.valueOf(x).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(y));
        return result;

    public int subtract(Integer x, Integer y) {
        int result = Integer.valueOf(x) - Integer.valueOf(y);
        return result;
// ...
public class MinHeap<T> {
    private List<T> MinHeap = null;
    private HeapComparator<? super T> comparator;

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