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从 R 中的另一个字符串列条件的字符串列中删除所有内容

[英]Removing everything from a string column conditional on another string column in R

I try to clean up a column containing long speeches during a debate.我试图清理一个包含辩论期间长篇演讲的专栏。 Right now, every row starts with a new speaker, however, things like subheaders remain at the end of each speech, which is not desirable.现在,每一行都以一个新的演讲者开始,但是,副标题之类的东西保留在每个演讲的结尾,这是不可取的。

Here is some example data:以下是一些示例数据:

speeches <- tibble(subheader = c("3.Discussion", "8.Voting"),
                   full_speech = c("I close this part. 3.Discussion Let's start with",
                                   "I think we can vote now")

Desired Outcome:期望的结果:

subheader      full_speech
3. Discussion  I close this part.
8. Voting      I think we can vote now

What I tried so far:到目前为止我尝试了什么:

speeches %>%
    mutate(full_speech = str_remove(full_speech, subheader))

But of course this only deletes the subheaders and not what follows after them.但是当然这只会删除子标题而不是它们之后的内容。

We can paste the subheader with .* to match any characters that succeeds the subheader我们可以用.*粘贴subheader以匹配子标题后的任何字符

speeches %>% 
  mutate(full_speech = str_remove(full_speech, str_c("\\s+", 
      subheader, ".*")))

-output -输出

# A tibble: 2 × 2
  subheader    full_speech            
  <chr>        <chr>                  
1 3.Discussion I close this part.     
2 8.Voting     I think we can vote now

An approach using sub and paste to construct the replacements from subheader .一种使用subpastesubheader构造替换的方法。


speeches %>% 
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(full_speech = gsub(
           paste0(" ", subheader, ".*", collapse=""), "", full_speech)) %>% 
# A tibble: 2 × 2
  subheader    full_speech            
  <chr>        <chr>                  
1 3.Discussion I close this part.     
2 8.Voting     I think we can vote now

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