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在 Android 和 opengles 2 中使用 glOrthof 在屏幕中居中矩形对象,java

[英]Center rectangle-object in the screen by using glOrthof in Android with opengles 2, with java

I'm working on the examples of the book OpenGlEs 2 for Android. I did the first example, for drawing a rectangle of base 9, and height 14, by using the below array for defining the coordinates我正在为 Android 编写 OpenGlEs 2 一书的示例。我做了第一个示例,通过使用下面的数组定义坐标来绘制底数为 9、高度为 14 的矩形

private float[] tableVerticesWithTriangles = {
        0f, 0f,
        9f, 14f,
        0f, 14f,
        //Triangle 2
        0f, 0f,
        9f, 0f,
        9f, 14f

The rectangle is appearing as in the example, the white rectangle in the top right corner:矩形出现在示例中,右上角的白色矩形:


The code I'm working on is in the repository https://github.com/quimperval/opengles-android-rectangle我正在处理的代码位于存储库https://github.com/quimperval/opengles-android-rectangle

Now in the book the author centers the rectangle by modifying the coordinates of the rectangle, however as far as I know, openGl can take care of that by using a projection matrix.现在在书中,作者通过修改矩形的坐标使矩形居中,但据我所知,openGl 可以通过使用投影矩阵来解决这个问题。 So, I modified the vertex shader for using a projection Matrix所以,我修改了顶点着色器以使用投影矩阵

attribute vec4 a_Position;

attribute mat4 u_Projection;

void main(){
    gl_Position =  u_Projection * a_Position;

And in the CRenderer class I added the below variables在 CRenderer class 中,我添加了以下变量

private static final String U_PROJECTION = "u_Projection";
int projectionMatrixLocation;

and the

float[] projectionMatrix = new float[16];

And in the onSurfaceChanged method I added the logic for considering the aspectRatio在 onSurfaceChanged 方法中,我添加了考虑 aspectRatio 的逻辑

public void onSurfaceChanged(GL10 gl10, int width, int height) {
    glViewport(0, 0, width, height);

    // Calculate the projection matrix
    float aspectRatio = width > height ?
            (float) width / (float) height :
            (float) height / (float) width;
    if (width > height) {
        // Landscape
        glOrthof(-aspectRatio, aspectRatio, -1f, 1f, -1f, 1f);
    } else {
        // Portrait or square
        glOrthof(-1f, 1f, -aspectRatio, aspectRatio, -1f, 1f);

    projectionMatrixLocation = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_Projection");
    glUniformMatrix4fv(projectionMatrixLocation, 1, false, projectionMatrix, 0);

In the onDrawFrame I didn't do changes.在 onDrawFrame 中我没有做任何改变。

When I compile and install the application in the emulator, It crashes, with the error:当我在模拟器中编译和安装应用程序时,它崩溃了,并出现错误:

2022-12-31 14:45:23.971 10499-10521/com.perval.myapplication A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x0 in tid 10521 (GLThread 411) 2022-12-31 14:45:23.971 10499-10521/com.perval.myapplication A/libc:致命信号 11 (SIGSEGV),代码 1,tid 10521 (GLThread 411) 中的故障地址 0x0

Am I missing some operation?我错过了一些操作吗?

I expect to center the rectangle (of any dimensions) in the screen of the device.我希望将矩形(任意尺寸)置于设备屏幕的中心。

I believe the answer is that you are:我相信答案是你是:

  • Not declaring the matrix as a uniform不将矩阵声明为统一的
  • Not checking your response from glGetUniformLocation()不检查glGetUniformLocation()的响应

As you are accessing a uniform with glGetUniformLocation , you should declare it in your shader like so:当您使用glGetUniformLocation访问制服时,您应该在着色器中声明它,如下所示:

uniform mat4 u_Projection;

I manage to find another way to achive the result I need, by using the below code in the onSurfaceChangedMethod通过在 onSurfaceChangedMethod 中使用以下代码,我设法找到另一种方法来实现我需要的结果

    public void onSurfaceChanged(GL10 gl10, int width, int height) {
        glViewport(0,0, width, height);

         *projectionMarix - float[] m - the destination array
         * mOffset - the offset in to m which the result is written
         * float left - the minimum range of the x-axis
         * float right - the maximum range of the x-axis
         * float bottom - the minimum range of the y-axis
         * float top - the maximum range ot the y-axis
         * float near - the minimum range of the z-axis
         * float far - the maximum range of the z-axis

        float boundingBoxWidth = 300;
        float boundingBoxHeight = 300;

        float aspectRatio;

            aspectRatio = (float) width / (float) height;
            orthoM(projectionMatrix, 0, -aspectRatio*boundingBoxHeight, aspectRatio*boundingBoxHeight, -boundingBoxHeight, boundingBoxHeight, -1f, 1f);
        } else {
            //Portrait or square
            aspectRatio = (float) height / (float) width;
            orthoM(projectionMatrix, 0, -boundingBoxWidth, boundingBoxWidth, -boundingBoxWidth*aspectRatio, boundingBoxWidth*aspectRatio, -1f, 1f);

In that way I got the behaviour I wanted, place an object in the center of the screen, and the object has vertex coordinates outside of the surface extents (-1,-1) to (1,1).这样我得到了我想要的行为,在屏幕中央放置一个 object,object 的顶点坐标在表面范围 (-1,-1) 到 (1,1) 之外。


The key is to know the width and the height of the collision box of the object I want to draw, then it is just a matter of scaling the left, right or bottom/top variables based on the orientation of the screen, with the aspectRatio variable.关键是要知道我要绘制的 object 的碰撞框的宽度和高度,然后只需根据屏幕的方向缩放左、右或底部/顶部变量,使用 aspectRatio多变的。 I placed the code in the repository:我将代码放在存储库中:

https://github.com/quimperval/opengl-es-android-draw-object https://github.com/quimperval/opengl-es-android-draw-object

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