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generics class 实现 IEnumerable 中的 Get 和 Set 方法

[英]Get and Set methods in generics class implementing IEnumerable

I have a class implementing generics and IEnumerable我有一个 class 实现 generics 和 IEnumerable

public class MyEnumClass<T> : IEnumerable<MyEnumClass<T>>
   public T Data
     get { return this.Data; } 
          Data = value;

 public MyEnumClass(T data)
   Data = data;

I would like to implement some logic inside the set method (or in some other way, whenever my Data gets changed).我想在 set 方法中实现一些逻辑(或者以其他方式,每当我的数据发生变化时)。 Without commenting the line Data = value I get StackOverflow.没有评论Data = value行,我得到了 StackOverflow。 With the line: Data = value commented out at least the instantiation works, but only when using a string as generics:使用以下行: Data = value注释掉至少实例化有效,但仅当使用字符串作为 generics 时:

var foo = new MyEnumClass<string>("Foo");

However, as soon as I try to plug into my own object:然而,一旦我尝试插入我自己的 object:

var foo = new MyEnumClass<MyOwnObjectType>(InstanceOfMyOwnObjectType);

I get "Unable to read memory" How can I properly define get/set methods so that I could use MyOwnObjectType instead of T/string when instantiating?我收到“无法读取内存”如何正确定义 get/set 方法,以便在实例化时可以使用MyOwnObjectType而不是 T/string?

you need to create an explicit backing field您需要创建一个明确的支持字段

public class MyEnumClass<T> : IEnumerable<MyEnumClass<T>>
    T m_data;
    public T Data
        get { return this.m_data; } 
            m_data = value;

    public MyEnumClass(T data)
            Data = data;

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