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R 如何从 dataframe 创建包含多组计数的表?

[英]R how to create table from dataframe containing counts over groups?

I have a dataframe with the count of for instance males and females for certain groups arranged in this way:我有一个 dataframe 以这种方式排列的某些组的例如男性和女性的数量:

df <- data.frame (
  Round = c("R1", "R1", "R2", "R2"),
  N. = c(20, 10, 15,15),
  Gender = c("M", "F", "M","F")) 

How can I create a table accounting for counts over, for instance, Round and Gender?我怎样才能创建一个表来计算,例如,Round 和 Gender? I would like to show the distribution of gender for each round.我想展示每一轮的性别分布。

I have tried我努力了

table (df$Gender, df$Round)

but this is not what I need.但这不是我需要的。 I need instead to show N. by groups.相反,我需要按组显示 N.。

Something like this?是这样的吗?

pivot_wider(df, names_from = Round, values_from = N.)

  Gender    R1    R2
1 M         20    15
2 F         10    15

Or in base R with reshape :或者在 base R 中reshape

reshape(df, direction = "wide", idvar = "Gender", timevar = "Round")

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