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如何处理数据集中超出范围的值(RSSI 值)

[英]how to deal with out of range values in dataset (RSSI values)

I am new in machine learning.我是机器学习的新手。 My dataset has RSSI values from -100dbm to +100dbm.我的数据集的 RSSI 值从 -100dbm 到 +100dbm。 The correct values are from (-100 to 0)dbm and the 100 dbm values are out of range.正确的值是从(-100 到 0)dbm,而 100 dbm 值超出范围。

so how can I deal with it?那我该如何处理呢?

The dataset has about 520 value of RSSI and about 500 of them have 100 dbm value which is out of range and it is not useful, but I can not delete it (the dataset is for localization)该数据集有大约 520 个 RSSI 值,其中大约 500 个有 100 dbm 值,超出范围并且没有用,但我不能删除它(数据集用于本地化)

One option to deal with this issue, you could try to impute (change) the values that are out of range with a more reasonable value.处理此问题的一种选择是,您可以尝试使用更合理的值来估算(更改)超出范围的值。 There are several approaches you could take to do this:您可以采用多种方法来执行此操作:

  • Replacing the out-of-range values with the mean or median of the in-range values用范围内值的平均值或中值替换超出范围的值
  • Using linear interpolation to estimate the missing values based on the surrounding values使用线性插值根据周围值估计缺失值

The choice will depend on the goal of your machine learning model and what you want to achieve.选择将取决于您的机器学习目标 model 以及您想要实现的目标。

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