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如何使用 dataproc 客户端通过 google dataproc 集群作业为 spark 传递自定义作业 ID

[英]how to pass custom job id via google dataproc cluster job for spark using dataproc client

i am using the following code snippet but would not found any luck.我正在使用以下代码片段,但没有找到任何运气。 can anyone help me to pass custom job ID谁能帮我传递自定义工作 ID

job = {
    "placement": {"cluster_name": cluster_name},
    "spark_job": {
        "main_class": "org.example.App",
        "jar_file_uris": [
        "args": [],

operation = job_client.submit_job_as_operation(
     request={"project_id": project_id, "region": region, "job": job}

Thanks in Advance:)提前致谢:)

The following problem can be solved by adding reference attribute in the json like this.像这样在json中添加reference属性可以解决下面的问题。

"reference": {
  "job_id": "test101",
  "project_id": "1553sas207"

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