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适用于非直线网格的 CDO mergegrid?

[英]CDO mergegrid applicable on a non-rectilinear grid?

I have 16.netcdf files (without a time dimension) on a global scale that contain the same amount of longitude grid points (namely 432) and the same amount of latitude grid points (namely 324).我在全球范围内有 16.netcdf 文件(没有时间维度),其中包含相同数量的经度网格点(即 432)和相同数量的纬度网格点(即 324)。 Each.netcdf file contains a slice of data, for example in file 1 there is a data slice from latitude range 90 to 80 and in file 2 there is data available from latitude range 80 to 70. I want to merge these files which each contain a different slice of data to obtain a complete global dataset.每个.netcdf 文件包含一个数据片段,例如在文件 1 中有一个纬度范围为 90 到 80 的数据片段,在文件 2 中有一个纬度范围为 80 到 70 的数据片段。我想合并这些文件,每个文件都包含不同的数据切片以获得完整的全球数据集。

I have tried to merge the.netcdf files with cdo mergegrid as described in this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/51566286/20668027 and that worked as far as I could see, however, when looking in the cdo guidelines it was stated that cdo mergegrid is only supported for rectilinear grids.我已尝试按照此答案https://stackoverflow.com/a/51566286/20668027中的描述将 the.netcdf 文件与 cdo mergegrid 合并,据我所知,这很有效,但是,在查看 cdo 指南时,它是声明 cdo mergegrid 仅支持直线网格。 The grid that I am using is not rectilinear but since it seemed to work on my data I was wondering if I could still use cdo mergegrid?我正在使用的网格不是直线的,但由于它似乎适用于我的数据,我想知道我是否仍可以使用 cdo mergegrid? Does anyone have insights about this?有人对此有见解吗?

Thank you very much in advance!非常感谢您!

The NCO equivalent to CDO ensmean is nces described here .相当于 CDO ensmeannces在这里有描述。 You could try你可以试试

nces in*.nc out.nc

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