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在 Odoo 中安装我的模块后显示取消安装

[英]Cancel installation is shown after installing my module in Odoo

I have created a custom module which I am trying to install but it shows me cancel installation button after I try to install it.我创建了一个我正在尝试安装的自定义模块,但在我尝试安装它后它显示取消安装按钮。

This issue is not seen in any other custom modules or other modules.在任何其他自定义模块或其他模块中都没有发现此问题。 But installation is not working for my module.但是安装不适用于我的模块。

"Cancel Installation" button could be visible on these situations.在这些情况下可以看到“取消安装”按钮。

  1. Another module is being installed.正在安装另一个模块。
  2. Whenever the server restarts.每当服务器重新启动时。

According to your query i guess that the cause of your issue might be 'Circular Dependency'.根据您的查询,我猜您的问题的原因可能是“循环依赖”。

Please re-check your 'depends': [] inside __manifest__.py请重新检查你'depends': [] inside __manifest__.py

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