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我们可以将 Splunk 警报发送到私人 Mattermost 频道吗

[英]Can we send Splunk alerts to private Mattermost channel

I have Splunk alerts working and they send alerts to a public channel.我有 Splunk 警报工作,他们将警报发送到公共频道。 However I want to send alerts to a private channel.但是我想将警报发送到私人频道。 Is there a token setting or some configuration that I have to take care as I don't see alerts coming in to the private channel.是否有我必须注意的令牌设置或某些配置,因为我没有看到警报进入私人频道。

Yes, ofcourse是的当然

Install HTTP Alert Action app and there you can send a custom API request as a alert trigger.安装HTTP Alert Action应用程序,您可以在其中发送自定义 API 请求作为警报触发器。

There use mattermost api request to send the message to mattermost.使用 mattermost api 请求将消息发送到 mattermost。

https://developers.mattermost.com/integrate/webhooks/incoming/ https://developers.mattermost.com/integrate/webhooks/incoming/

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