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通过不检测重复但有欺骗来分组。 奇怪 SQL 服务器 - Azure Synapse 数据库专用 SQL 池

[英]Group by not detecting duplicates but there are dupes. Strange SQL Server - Azure Synapse database dedicated SQL pool

I have encountered a strange (until I understand the logical reason) behaviour of group by in a SQL Server database.我在 SQL 服务器数据库中遇到group by一种奇怪的(直到我理解逻辑原因)行为。 There are many duplicates in a table, for which when I query I get duplicate rows but when I try to find all dupes using group by or row_number strategy I get 0 records.表中有很多重复项,当我查询时,我得到重复的行,但是当我尝试使用 group by 或row_number策略查找所有重复项时,我得到 0 条记录。 But when I add "Cast" to the group by / row_number I get correct list of duplicates.但是当我将“Cast”添加到组中时 / row_number 我得到了正确的重复项列表。

The datatype is nvarchar for all 3 keys.所有 3 个键的数据类型都是nvarchar
Can someone tell me why this is happening?有人能告诉我为什么会这样吗?

Added the query and its output添加了查询及其 output


select top 10 len(VBELN) len_vblen, len(MANDT) , len(posnr) ,  * from [SRC_SAP_R3].[LIPS] where VBELN = '6316785926'

select cast(MANDT as nvarchar) as "MANDT",cast(VBELN as nvarchar) as "VBELN" , cast(posnr as nvarchar) as "posnr", count(*) from [SRC_SAP_R3].[LIPS]
group by cast(MANDT as nvarchar),cast(VBELN as nvarchar)  , cast(posnr as nvarchar) 
having count(*)>1;

select cast(MANDT as varchar) as "MANDT",cast(VBELN as varchar) as "VBELN" , cast(posnr as varchar) as "posnr", count(*) from [SRC_SAP_R3].[LIPS]
group by cast(MANDT as varchar),cast(VBELN as varchar)  , cast(posnr as varchar) 
having count(*)>1;

select MANDT, VBELN ,posnr, count(1) from [SRC_SAP_R3].[LIPS]
group by MANDT, VBELN ,posnr
having count(1)>1;

I tried to repro this in Azure Synapse Analytics.我试图在 Azure Synapse Analytics 中重现这一点。 As @Martin Smith said the len() function will ignore the trailing spaces while computing the total length of the column.正如@Martin Smith所说, len() function 在计算列的总长度时将忽略尾随空格。 When I tried with datalength() function, the length of trailing spaces is also included.当我尝试使用datalength() function 时,尾随空格的长度也包括在内。 Below is the repro.下面是复制品。

  • A table is created with varchar column and one data is inserted with trail spaces and other data is without spaces.使用 varchar 列创建一个表,插入一个数据时使用尾部空格,而其他数据则没有空格。
 create  table SAP_TAB (VBELN varchar(100))
insert  into SAP_TAB values('500 ')
insert  into SAP_TAB values('500')
  • Then len() function, datalength() function is applied to data.然后len() function,datalength() function 应用于数据。 Also, casted the data as varchar and length function is applied to casted data.此外,将数据转换为 varchar 并将长度 function 应用于转换数据。 Below is the query.下面是查询。
select VBELN,len(VBELN) as [length_VBELN],
datalength(VBELN) as [data_length_VBELN],
len(cast(VBELN as  varchar(10))) as 
from sap_tab


VBELN VBELN length_VBELN长度_VBELN data_length_VBELN数据长度_VBELN length_varchar_casted_VBELN length_varchar_casted_VBELN
500 500 3 3个 5 5个 3 3个
500 500 3 3个 3 3个 3 3个


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