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Azure Synapse SQL 具有多种环境的 CICD

[英]Azure Synapse SQL CICD with multiple environments

Might be a stupid question but seems to be very difficult to find information about Synapse with multiple environments.可能是一个愚蠢的问题,但似乎很难找到有关具有多个环境的 Synapse 的信息。

We have dev/test/prod environment setup and need to create partially-automated CICD pipelines between those.我们有开发/测试/生产环境设置,需要在它们之间创建部分自动化的 CICD 管道。 The only problem is now that we cannot build dynamic SQL scripts to query from the respective storage accounts - so those could be identical no matter the environment.现在唯一的问题是我们无法构建动态 SQL 脚本来从各自的存储帐户进行查询 - 因此无论环境如何,它们都可能是相同的。 So, dev Synapse using data from dev-storage and so on.因此,开发 Synapse 使用来自开发存储等的数据。 Dedicated SQL pool can benefit from Stored Procedures, and I could pass parameters there if it works.专用 SQL 池可以从存储过程中受益,如果它有效,我可以在那里传递参数。 But what about serverless pool?但是无服务器池呢? What is the correct way?什么是正确的方法?

I've tried to look options from OPENROWSET with DATA_SOURCE argument as well as EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE expression without any luck.我试图从带有 DATA_SOURCE 参数的 OPENROWSET 以及 EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE 表达式中查找选项,但没有任何运气。 Also, no one seems to offer any information about this so I'm beginning to think if this whole perspective is wrong.此外,似乎没有人提供任何关于此的信息,所以我开始思考这整个观点是否错误。

This kind of "external" file reading is new to me, I may have tried to put this in a SQL Server context in my head.这种“外部”文件读取对我来说是新的,我可能试图将它放在我脑海中的 SQL 服务器上下文中。

Thank you for your time!感谢您的时间!

Okay, Serverless pool does support both procedures and dynamic SQL, yet you currently cannot call that straight from Synapse Pipelines.好的,无服务器池确实支持过程和动态 SQL,但您目前无法直接从 Synapse Pipelines 调用它。

You have to either trigger those procedures via Spark notebooks or by creating separate Synapse Analytics Linked Services for each of your databases in a Synapse Serverless pools and work from there.您必须通过 Spark 笔记本或通过为 Synapse 无服务器池中的每个数据库创建单独的 Synapse Analytics Linked Services 来触发这些过程,然后从那里开始工作。

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