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无法使用 lmfit 拟合自定义 model - ValueError:model function 生成的 NaN 值和拟合中止

[英]Unable to fit custom model with lmfit - ValueError: The model function generated NaN values and the fit aborted

I have this data:我有这个数据:



data looks like this, the fit is manually adjusted:数据看起来像这样,拟合是手动调整的:


I want to fit this custom log function:我想适应这个自定义日志 function:

def log_n_func(x, a, b, c, n):
    return a*(np.log(b+x)/np.log(n))+c

I tried two approaches:我尝试了两种方法:

import lmfit

def log_n_func(x, a, b, c, n):
    return a*(np.log(b+x)/np.log(n))+c

regressor = lmfit.Model(log_n_func)                  
initial_guess = dict(a=3.61, b=443.86, c=-34, n=2)                
results = regressor.fit(data=y, x=x, **initial_guess)
y_fit = results.best_fit


from lmfit import Model, Parameters

model = Model(log_n_func, independent_vars=['x'], param_names=["a", "b", "c", "n"])  
params = Parameters()
params.add("a", value=3.6)
params.add("b", value=440)
params.add("c", value=-34)
params.add("n", value=2)
result = model.fit(data=y, params=params, x=x)

but both lead to the same error: ValueError: The model function generated NaN values and the fit aborted. Please check your model function and/or set boundaries on parameters where applicable, In cases like this. using "nan_policy='omit'" will probably not work.但两者都会导致相同的错误: ValueError: The model function generated NaN values and the fit aborted. Please check your model function and/or set boundaries on parameters where applicable, In cases like this. using "nan_policy='omit'" will probably not work. ValueError: The model function generated NaN values and the fit aborted. Please check your model function and/or set boundaries on parameters where applicable, In cases like this. using "nan_policy='omit'" will probably not work.

What did I do wrong?我做错什么了?

logarithms are not defined values equal to or below 0, so that numpy log(x) will sensibly give NaN for np.log(x) for x<0 .对数不是等于或小于 0 的定义值,因此 numpy log(x)将明智地为np.log(x)给出NaN for x<0

When doing a fit, the parameter values can take any values unless you explicitly restrict the range of values.进行拟合时,参数值可以采用任何值,除非您明确限制值的范围。

Neither your b variable or your n variable are bounded at all.你的b变量或你的n变量都没有界限。 n could certainly go below zero during the fit.在拟合过程中, n肯定可以低于零 go。 If b goes below -1000, then some values of b+x will also be below 0. Either one will cause a nan value in your model and the fit will stop immediately.如果b低于 -1000,则b+x的某些值也将低于 0。任何一个都会在您的 model 中产生一个nan值,并且拟合将立即停止。

That is why the message says "Please check your model function and/or set boundaries on parameters where applicable".这就是消息显示“请检查您的 model function 和/或在适用的参数上设置边界”的原因。 You will need to set bounds to prevent the argument of log() from being 0 or negative.您将需要设置边界以防止log()的参数为 0 或负数。

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