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使用预拟合 lmfit model 预测新数据集中的值

[英]Use pre-fit lmfit model to predict values in new dataset

I trained an lmfit model using the following:我使用以下方法训练了一个 lmfit model:

xList = np.linspace(1, len(dataRowTrain), len(dataRowTrain))
model = LinearModel()
parameters = model.guess(dataRowTrain, x=xList)
fitModel = model.fit(dataRowTrain, parameters, x=xList)

Now I would like to use the fitModel to predict the next series of values in the dataset.现在我想使用 fitModel 来预测数据集中的下一系列值。 How can I do so?我该怎么做?

I am aware I can output the weights of the best fit model and run it in the equation, but I am wondering if lmfit offers a better way.我知道我可以 output 最适合 model 的权重并在等式中运行它,但我想知道 lmfit 是否提供了更好的方法。

you can use to predict value你可以用来预测价值

model.eval() model.eval()


result = model.fit(y, params, x=X) # curve fitting
x1 = [1, 2, 3] # input for prediction
a = result.eval(x=x1)   # prediction

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