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[英]Is there a common file that contains the localized text of each country?

Is there a common file that contains the localized text of each country?是否有包含每个国家/地区本地化文本的通用文件?

The content is the words frequently used by the application, such as [submit] [cancel], and so on.内容为应用中经常使用的词,如【提交】【取消】等。

Just using this file we can create applications in various languages without having to translate them ourselves.只需使用此文件,我们就可以创建各种语言的应用程序,而无需自己翻译。

You are looking for Translation Memory (TM).您正在寻找翻译 Memory (TM)。 TM is a database of the source strings and their corresponding translations into different languages that can speed up the translation of the same or similar strings in your projects. TM 是一个包含源字符串及其相应的不同语言翻译的数据库,可以加快项目中相同或相似字符串的翻译速度。

The thing here is that the file you're looking for probably doesn't exist because such a file would be huge and a bit not usable.这里的问题是您正在寻找的文件可能不存在,因为这样的文件会很大并且有点不可用。

Translation Memories - is one of the core concepts in modern CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation) Tools.翻译记忆库 - 是现代 CAT(计算机辅助翻译)工具的核心概念之一。

There are a bunch of offers on the CAT Tools market that provide the Global Translation Memory feature. CAT 工具市场上有许多提供全局翻译 Memory功能的产品。 Global TM is a huge database of billions of previously made translations in different projects for different language pairs. Global TM 是一个庞大的数据库,包含数十亿个先前在不同项目中针对不同语言对所做的翻译。

For example, Crowdin is a popular Localization Management platform that has a Global TM with billions of previously translated texts and allows users to use this TM for translating their strings.例如, Crowdin是一个流行的本地化管理平台,它有一个 Global TM,其中包含数十亿条以前翻译过的文本,并允许用户使用这个 TM 来翻译他们的字符串。 Furthermore, the process could be totally automated.此外,该过程可以完全自动化。

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