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关于 Python 命名空间和 function 导入的问题:是否最好只从模块中导入您需要的 function?

[英]Question regarding Python namespaces and function imports: Is it preferable to import only the function you need from a module?

So I don't recall where I heard this or read this, but I remember being instructed that it was best practice to import only the needed functions or classes from modules for several reasons.所以我不记得我是在哪里听到或读到这个的,但我记得有人告诉我,出于多种原因,最好只从模块中导入所需的函数或类。

We should do this我们应该这样做

from my_module import (needed_function, NeededClass)
from numpy import (arange, nditer, ones, zeros, array ndarray)


#etc etc

rather than import the module and calling the needed functions而不是导入模块并调用所需的函数

import my_module as mm
import numpy as np


#etc etc

I was told that the primary reason is that when module.function is called Python must search the local namespace for module then search the module's namespace for function , then continue.有人告诉我,主要原因是当module.function被调用时 Python 必须在本地命名空间中搜索module ,然后在模块的命名空间中搜索function ,然后继续。 This must be done each time module.function is called and is potentially very time wasting (for large computations).这必须在每次调用module.function时完成,并且可能非常浪费时间(对于大型计算)。

The contrasts with directly importing the function because then python only needs to search the local namespace once for that function, a much smaller task than searching a potentially very large namespace, such as numpy or scipy.与直接导入 function 形成对比,因为 python 只需要为该 function 搜索本地命名空间一次,这比搜索可能非常大的命名空间(例如 numpy 或 scipy)要小得多。

Is this correct?这样对吗?

Some good answers: https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/187403/import-module-vs-from-module-import-function一些好的答案: https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/187403/import-module-vs-from-module-import-function

Personally for my use case, I'm creating an.exe that needs to be very portable and as small file size as possible.就我个人的用例而言,我正在创建一个 .exe,它需要非常便携并且文件大小尽可能小。 Because of that, I mostly import only single functions where possible.因此,我大多只在可能的情况下导入单个函数。


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