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VS2022 - javascript 中未标记匹配的外括号

[英]VS2022 - matching outside brace are not marked in javascript

Visual studio 2022 - I have just installed VS2022 and noticed that outside braces (some nested elements inside) are no longer marked, as it was before. Visual studio 2022 - 我刚刚安装了 VS2022 并注意到外面的大括号(里面的一些嵌套元素)不再像以前那样被标记。 Example:例子:


But it is still working on non-nested brackets:但它仍在处理非嵌套括号:


And idea why is this happening?以及为什么会这样?

Same issue for me, it stopped work from update to version 4.8.04084 (VS2022 17.4.4).对我来说也是同样的问题,它停止了从更新到版本 4.8.04084 (VS2022 17.4.4) 的工作。 It's a bug in visual studio, before that version it worked normally.这是 visual studio 中的一个错误,在该版本之前它可以正常工作。 Also when braces matching works, in js file is not applied my own set color of highlight.此外,当大括号匹配有效时,在 js 文件中未应用我自己设置的突出显示颜色。

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