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不存在简单的要素几何:返回表的 data.frame 或 tbl_df 问题

[英]No simple feature geometries present: returning a data.frame or tbl_df problem with a table

I hava a task for my college in which I need to transform coordinates from a table.我的大学有一项任务,我需要从表格中转换坐标。 So I had one table which had bad typed coordinates and the code worked and those coordinates got succesfully transformed.因此,我有一张坐标类型错误的表格,代码可以正常工作,并且这些坐标已成功转换。 A friend sent me a new table which had the right coordinates,but when I tried to transform it the R studio console got me this message: no simple feature geometries present: returning a data.frame or tbl_df一位朋友给我发了一张坐标正确的新表,但当我尝试对其进行转换时,R 工作室控制台给我这条消息:不存在简单的特征几何:返回 data.frame 或 tbl_df

I can't transform the data.frame or tbl.df with st.transform function我无法使用 st.transform function 转换 data.frame 或 tbl.df

The code for transformation:转换代码:

 tabela1_t=st_transform(tabela1, crs="+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m")

when I run the first code for st_read function the program gives me the message that no simple geometries are present,but the tables are the same.当我运行 st_read function 的第一个代码时,程序给我的消息是不存在简单的几何图形,但表格是相同的。

Can someone give me the ansfer for why my code doesn't work?有人可以告诉我为什么我的代码不起作用吗? Sorry for bad english.抱歉英语不好。 I would be very thankful if someone knows what is the problem.如果有人知道问题出在哪里,我将不胜感激。 Bye, Aleksandar.再见,亚历山大。

I tried changing the format of the table but R studio only imported the.csv format.我尝试更改表格的格式,但 R 工作室仅导入了 .csv 格式。 I don't know what to do next.我不知道下一步该怎么做。

The code after running dput(head(tabela1)):运行 dput(head(tabela1)) 后的代码:

> dput(head(tabela1))
structure(list(Lon.lambda. = c("37.7", "-0.178", "30.25", "13.32757", 
"-3.69097", "12.52"), Lat.fi. = c("55.75", "51.48791", "59.91666", 
"52.51627", "40.44222", "41.88"), CITY_NAME = c("Moscow", "London", 
"Saint Petersburg", "Berlin", "Madrid", "Rome"), CNTRY_NAME = 
"U?", "Russia", "Germany", "Spain", "Italy"), N = c("6392773.83432", 
"6391248.57034", "6394182.05569", "6391622.66588", "6387139.33402", 
"6387672.51982"), m = c("1.77275", "1.60267", "1.98997", "1.63982", 
"1.3121", "1.3411"), p = c("3.14263", "2.56854", "3.95998", 
"1.72162", "1.79854"), Lon.rad = c("0.65799", "-0.00311", "0.52796", 
"0.23261", "-0.06442", "0.21852"), Lat.rad = c("0.97302", "0.89863", 
"1.04574", "0.91658", "0.70585", "0.73094"), M = c("6379156.04643", 
"6374591.09111", "6383372.63993", "6375710.51824", "6362303.41551", 
"6363896.88615")), row.names = c(NA, 6L), class = "data.frame")

You have a couple of options:你有几个选择:

  1. Ask whoever made table6.csv to export it as a "geometry" file (eg .shp , .gpkg ).请制作table6.csv的人将其导出为“几何”文件(例如.shp.gpkg )。 This will maintain the geometry data, and therefore can be read directly by sf::st_read()这将维护几何数据,因此可以直接由sf::st_read()读取

  2. Convert your data.frame to a spatial object in r将您的data.frame中的空间 object

## After reading your data in to R you can create an `sf` object from `tablea1`
sf <- sf::st_as_sf(tablea1, coords = c("Lon.lambda.", "Lat.fi."))

## You need to set the coordinate reference system (CRS)
## THe `Lon.lambda.` and `Lat.fi` columns already look like 
## they're in CRS 4326, so there's no need to use `st_transform()`, you only need to set the CRS
sf::st_crs(sf) <- 4326 

At this point you can do whatever you want with the data.此时,您可以对数据做任何您想做的事情。 But you probably don't want to但你可能不想


Because you'll just be saving another.csv file, so you'll loose the geometry component.因为您将只保存另一个 .csv 文件,所以您将丢失几何组件。


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