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Blazor WASM Sophos [无法在资源的“完整性”属性中找到有效摘要] ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID

[英]Blazor WASM Sophos [Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource] ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID

I've had the "Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource" error show up in my console logs from time to time in published files, but never locally.我的控制台日志中不时出现“无法在资源的‘完整性’属性中找到有效的摘要”错误,但从来没有出现在本地。 Out of the blue this started happening to me a couple days ago, and I've spent the last two days trying to fix it.出乎意料的是,这几天前就开始发生在我身上,过去两天我一直在努力修复它。 I am also getting the error about my self-signed certificates being invalid.我还收到关于我的自签名证书无效的错误。 Here are the things I've tried.这是我尝试过的事情。

  • Rebuild/Clean solution重建/清理解决方案
  • Delete all bin/obj folders删除所有 bin/obj 文件夹
  • Usually use chrome, but tried Firefox/Edge通常使用 chrome,但尝试过 Firefox/Edge
  • Attempted to run via CLI do.net watch this actually strangely worked in some scenarios but has since stopped working.尝试通过 CLI do.net watch运行这实际上在某些情况下奇怪地工作但此后停止工作。
  • Uninstalled/Reinstalled IIS Express卸载/重新安装 IIS Express
  • Uninstalled/Reinstalled VS 2022卸载/重新安装 VS 2022
  • Ran do.net dev-certs https --clean and do.net dev-certs https --trust multiple times to recreate localhost certificates, but I still am getting the ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error. do.net dev-certs https --cleando.net dev-certs https --trust多次重新创建本地主机证书,但我仍然收到 ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID 错误。
  • Confirmed that the localhost certificate is present in both the Current User/Personal and Current User/Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder.确认本地主机证书存在于Current User/PersonalCurrent User/Trusted Root Certification Authorities文件夹中。
  • Closed visual studio deleted bin/obj/.vs rebooted computer and tried again.关闭 visual studio 删除 bin/obj/.vs 重新启动计算机并重试。
  • A rain dance around an open fire围着明火跳舞的雨

It seems like there has to be some simple solution involving certificates, but I've tried everything I can think of, as an additional note my work PC is running SOPHOS, I have seen that it has blocked some DLLs, but its blocking is sporadic, so I am not convinced this is the source of the problem.似乎必须有一些涉及证书的简单解决方案,但我已经尝试了我能想到的一切,作为附加说明,我的工作 PC 正在运行 SOPHOS,我已经看到它阻止了一些 DLL,但它的阻止是零星的,所以我不相信这是问题的根源。 Additional details:额外细节:

  • VS2022 17.4.4 VS2022 17.4.4
  • .NET 7 .NET 7
  • Blazor WASM Hosted Blazor WASM 托管

Even though I didn't think it was my firewall....it was my firewall.尽管我不认为这是我的防火墙....它是我的防火墙。 Sophos was blocking the Blazor WASM dlls as mentioned in this issue:如本期所述,Sophos 阻止了 Blazor WASM dll:

https://github.com/do.net/as.netcore/issues/21996 https://github.com/do.net/as.netcore/issues/21996

The telltale sign is in the response to the blocked dlls.告密标志是对被阻止的 dll 的响应。


The resolution in my case was to contact our IT department and have them create a firewall exception for my computer.我的解决方案是联系我们的 IT 部门,让他们为我的计算机创建一个防火墙例外。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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