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由于 gunicron cpu 利用率为 96% 而造成的站点停机时间

[英]Site downtime becuase of gunicron cpu utilization is 96%

We have Django application that run with gunicorn.我们有 Django 与 gunicorn 一起运行的应用程序。 We ware facing site downtime because of high trafic.由于高流量,我们面临网站停机。 Gunicorn is utilizng 96 % of the cpu that what cauing the issue. Gunicorn 使用了 96% 的 CPU,这是导致问题的原因。

Our system specification: 8 GB ram, 4 cpu我们的系统规格:8 GB 内存,4 个 CPU

  1. How to setup gunicron in such way that it can handle more than 100 request per second?如何以每秒可以处理超过 100 个请求的方式设置 gunicron?

  2. What are the system specifcation required for handling 100 request per second?每秒处理 100 个请求所需的系统规格是什么?

  3. Is gunicorn workers are cpu count? gunicorn 工人是 cpu 计数吗?

Keep one worker only and increase number of threads in that worker.只保留一名工人并增加该工人中的线程数。 or use something like gevent in gunicorn或者在 gunicorn 中使用类似 gevent 的东西

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