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[英]Lifetime of return value not directly related to parameter lifetime

I am new to rust, and having trouble figuring out the correct design pattern for what I am trying to do.我是 rust 的新手,并且无法为我正在尝试做的事情找出正确的设计模式。 In my program, there are Position structs, which reference a single coordinate system that they "belong" to.在我的程序中,有 Position 个结构,它们引用它们“属于”的单个坐标系。 I have understood that rust must therefore be able to guarantee that coordinate_system reference outlives the Position .据我所知, rust 因此必须能够保证coordinate_system参考比Position So far so good.到目前为止,一切都很好。

The issue is in a function such as transform_to_parent , where I want to create a new Position which is dependent on the lifetime of the exact coordinate_system that it later references, and not on the lifetime of the self parameter through which it accesses the coordinate system.问题出在 function 中,例如transform_to_parent ,我想在其中创建一个新的Position ,它取决于它后来引用的确切coordinate_system的生命周期,而不是它访问坐标系所通过的self参数的生命周期。 This seems to be the only thing that lifetime specifiers would allow.这似乎是生命周期说明符唯一允许的事情。

If I add a lifetime specifier to the following code, it compiles, but understandably complains when I let the old Position that I transformed from goes out of scope.如果我在下面的代码中添加一个生命周期说明符,它会编译,但是当我让我从 scope 中转换出来的旧 Position 消失时,可以理解地抱怨。

pub struct Position<'a> {
    // Position data omitted
    coordinate_system: &'a CoordinateSystem<'a>,

impl<'a> Position<'a> {
    fn transform_to_parent<'b>(self: &'b Self) -> Option<Position<'b>> {
        Some(Position {
            coordinate_system: self.coordinate_system.origin?.coordinate_system

pub struct CoordinateSystem<'a> {
    origin: Option<&'a Position<'a>>,

// Test case
fn main() {
    // child_system is the child coordinate system of root_system, and has its origin at child_origin
    let root_system = CoordinateSystem { origin: None };
    let child_origin = Position { coordinate_system: &root_system };
    let child_system = CoordinateSystem { origin: Some(&child_origin) };

    let mut p2 = Position { coordinate_system: &child_system };
        let p1 = Position { coordinate_system: &child_system };
        if let Some(x) = p1.transform_to_parent() { // Error: "borrowed value does not live long enough"
            p2 = x;
    // No-op, just pretend to use p2 again, after p1 has gone out of scope

Is it possible for Rust to bind the lifetime of the function result to the lifetime of self.coordinate_system.get_origin()?.coordinate_system (ie the parent coordinate system), instead of the self ? Rust 是否可以将 function 结果的生命周期绑定到self.coordinate_system.get_origin()?.coordinate_system (即父坐标系)的生命周期,而不是self Is there a correct design pattern for something like this?这样的东西有正确的设计模式吗?

I assume that a ref-counting system would work, but I think that would be bad design, because there is clear ownership of the coordinate systems, and because the lifetime information should be deducible somehow .我假设引用计数系统会起作用,但我认为那将是糟糕的设计,因为坐标系有明确的所有权,而且生命周期信息应该可以以某种方式推导出来。

Just use the 'a lifetime from the field:只需使用'a一生”:

impl<'a> Position<'a> {
    fn transform_to_parent(&self) -> Option<Position<'a>> {
        Some(Position {
            coordinate_system: self.coordinate_system.origin?.coordinate_system

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