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进程以退出代码 0 结束

[英]Process finishes with exit code 0

I have the code, it works but it does not produce the graph it is supposed to.我有代码,它可以工作,但它不会生成它应该生成的图形。 I have matplotlib installed.我安装了 matplotlib。

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def weight_reduction():
    current_weight = float(input("Enter your current weight (in pounds): "))
    desired_weight = float(input("Enter your desired weight (in pounds): "))
    weight_loss = current_weight - desired_weight
    dietary_habits = float(input("Enter your current caloric intake (in calories): "))
    exercise = float(input("Enter your current exercise level (1-5): "))
    daily_deficit = dietary_habits - exercise
        days = int(input("Enter the number of days you would like to track your weight loss: "))
    except ValueError:
        print("Please enter a valid number of days.")
        days = int(input("Enter the number of days you would like to track your weight loss: "))
    weight_loss_per_day = weight_loss / days
    daily_caloric_intake = dietary_habits - weight_loss_per_day * 3500 / 7
    x = [i for i in range(days)]
    y = [current_weight - i * weight_loss_per_day for i in range(days)]
    plt.plot(x, y)
    plt.ylabel("Weight (in pounds)")
    plt.title("Weight Reduction Progress")

I tried the code and expected a graph.我尝试了代码并期望得到一个图表。

Here is a suggestion: After defining your function weight_reduction , call it without intendation.这里有一个建议:在定义你的 function weight_reduction之后,无意中调用它。 I assume you have just defined but not called the function.我假设您刚刚定义但未调用 function。

So at first define your function as you already did:所以首先像你已经做的那样定义你的 function :

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def weight_reduction():

And then call the function you defined (you tell the program to execute the steps you declared) just below the function definition:然后在 function 定义下方调用您定义的 function(您告诉程序执行您声明的步骤):


In case you alrady did try this, please provide more information in your question.如果您已经尝试过此操作,请在您的问题中提供更多信息。

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