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[英]How to convert grid number to coordinates when the rows alternate order


1 -> (1,1)
2 -> (2,1)
3 -> (3,1)
4 -> (3,2)
5 -> (2,2)
6 -> (1,2)
7 -> (1,3)
8 -> (2,3)
9 -> (3,3)

In this grid, the mapping of the numbers to coordinates is shown above.在这个网格中,数字到坐标的映射如上所示。

I'm struggling to come up with a formula where given the number of the grid and the number of rows and columns in the grid, it outputs the coordinates of the grid.我正在努力想出一个公式,其中给定网格的数量以及网格中的行数和列数,它输出网格的坐标。

I tried following the logic in this question but in this question , the coordinate system starts from 0 and the rows are not alternating.我尝试按照这个问题中的逻辑进行操作,但是在这个问题中,坐标系从 0 开始并且行不是交替的。

If there was no alternating and the numbers were all starting at 0 and not 1, then you could apply Euclidean division directly:如果没有交替并且数字都从 0 而不是 1 开始,那么您可以直接应用欧几里德除法:

x = n % 3
y = n // 3

where // gives the quotient of the Euclidean division, and % gives the remainder of the Euclidean division.其中//给出欧氏除法的商, %给出欧氏除法的余数。

If there was no alternating, but the numbers all start at 1 instead of 0, then you can fix the above formula by removing 1 from n to make it start at 0, then adding 1 to x and y to make them start at 1:如果没有交替,但数字都从 1 而不是 0 开始,那么您可以通过从n中删除1使其从 0 开始,然后将 1 添加到xy使它们从 1 开始来修复上面的公式:

x = ((n - 1) % 3) + 1
y = ((n - 1) // 3) + 1

Now all we have to change to take the alternating into account is to flip the x values on the right-to-left rows.现在我们必须改变以考虑交替的情况是翻转从右到左行的 x 值。

y remains unchanged, and x remains unchanged on the left-to-right rows. y保持不变, x在从左到右的行中保持不变。

The right-to-left rows are the rows with an even y , and you can flip x symmetrically around 2 by removing it from 4 :从右到左的行是偶数y的行,您可以通过将x4中删除来围绕2对称地翻转它:

if y % 2 == 0:
    x = 4 - x

Putting it all together in a function and testing it, in python:将它们全部放在 function 中并在 python 中进行测试:

def coord(n):
    y = ((n-1) // 3) + 1
    x = ((n-1) % 3) + 1
    if y % 2 == 0:  # right-to-left row
        x = 4 - x   # flip horizontally
    return (x, y)

for n in range(1, 9+1):
    x, y = coord(n)
    print(f'{n} -> ({x},{y})')

Output: Output:

1 -> (1,1)
2 -> (2,1)
3 -> (3,1)
4 -> (3,2)
5 -> (2,2)
6 -> (1,2)
7 -> (1,3)
8 -> (2,3)
9 -> (3,3)

Inverse function逆 function

The inverse operation of a Euclidean division is a multiplication and an addition:欧氏除法的逆运算是乘法和加法:

if y % 2 == 1:
    n = 3 * (y-1) + x
    n = 3 * (y-1) + 4 - x

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