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创建一个 function 以迭代方式将列表中的每个项目作为参数

[英]Create a function that takes each item in a list as argument iteratively

The challenge is to use Python to create a function that takes in sub-lists of a list and applies the strip function to each sub-list iteratively.挑战在于使用 Python 创建一个 function,它接受列表的子列表并将条带 function 迭代地应用于每个子列表。 After that it rebuilds the list with the cleaned sub-lists之后它用清理过的子列表重建列表

The input is a list of lists.输入是列表的列表。 Here is a sample:这是一个示例:


[['49', 'XT', '19.0', '93 \n'],
 ['YTX', '124.0', '167 ', '77.0\n'],
 ['4 ', 'Y', '128,', '125,\n'],
 ['142.0', '120', '141.0\n'],
 ['12 ', '51.0\n'],
 ['0,', ' 82', '156\n'],
 ['82', '102.0\n'],
 ['94', 'YYZ', '178.0', '72\n'],
 [' 120', 'YXT', '142', ' 134\n'],
 ['45,', '46', '79.0\n'],
 [' 114', 'YT', '155.0', '168\n'],
 ['98,', '27,', '119.0\n'],
 ['61,', 'XYY', '33', '1\n'],
 ['ZY', '103', '123.0', '76\n'],
 ['YZZ', '52', ' 17', ' 92\n']]

The code I've written takes only a sub-list from tringles_new as an input and applies the strip function. How can I get the function to loop through all the sub-lists in tringles_new automatically?我编写的代码仅将 tringles_new 中的子列表作为输入并应用条带 function。如何让 function 自动循环遍历 tringles_new 中的所有子列表?

def clean_one(i):
    clean_one_output = []
    for j in i:
        j = j.strip()
    return clean_one_output

You need a function that call the clean_one for each sublist.您需要一个 function 来为每个子列表调用clean_one

I made this function based on the implementation of your clean_one function. It can be improved but at least, I kept it simple for non-pythoneers.我根据您的 clean_one function 的实现制作了这个 function。它可以改进,但至少,我对非 python 用户保持简单。

Original Style原创风格

def clean_many(many):
    clean_many_output = []
    for i in many:
    return clean_many_output


def better_clean_many(many):
    return [[j.strip() for j in i] for i in many]


def inplace_clean_many(many):
    for i in many:
        for index, j in enumerate(i):
            i[index] = j.strip()

Maybe you need a star for j也许你需要为 j 加星

def clean_one(i):
    clean_one_output = []
    for j in i:
        j = *j
    return clean_one_output

or two for loops或两个 for 循环

def clean_one(i):
    clean_one_output = []
    for j in i:
        for k in j:
    return clean_one_output

Here's a function func that takes in sublists of a list and returns the full list using closures.这是一个 function func ,它接收列表的子列表并使用闭包返回完整列表。 Not sure if this is what you want.不确定这是否是您想要的。

def outer():
    full_cleaned_list = []
    def inner(sublist):
        cleaned_sublist = [s.strip() for s in sublist]
        return full_cleaned_list

    return inner

func = outer()

result = [func(l) for l in tringles_new]

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