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如何在 dynamoose v3 中从 model 获取模式属性名称?

[英]How to get schema attributes names from model in dynamoose v3?

In dynamoose v2:在发电机 v2 中:

T extends Document; model: ModelType<T>; const attributes: string[] = model.schemas[0].attributes();

In this way I get the attributes names of the schema.通过这种方式,我得到了模式的属性名称。 How I can get attributes names from model in dynamoose v3?如何在 dynamoose v3 中从 model 获取属性名称?

In dynamoose v3:在发电机 v3 中:

T extends Item; model: ModelType<T>; const attributes: string[] = model.schemas[0].attributes();

I have the following error: Property 'schemas' does not exist on type 'ModelType<T>' .我有以下错误: Property 'schemas' does not exist on type 'ModelType<T>'

I encountered a similar issue while working with Dynamoose 3. Here's a working example how to get model attributes:我在使用 Dynamoose 3 时遇到了类似的问题。这是一个如何获取 model 属性的工作示例:

import * as dynamoose from "dynamoose";
import {Item} from "dynamoose/dist/Item";

// Strongly typed model
class Person extends Item {
    id: number;
    name: string;
const PersonModel = dynamoose.model<Person>("Person", {"id": Number, "name": String});

If you attempt to create a new record with an undeclared field eg surname , Typescript will yell at you.如果您尝试使用未声明的字段(例如surname )创建新记录,Typescript 将对您大喊大叫。

CatModel.create({"id": 1, "surname": "string"});

After creating or fetching the model, your IDE will correctly provide you the attributes.创建或获取 model 后,您的 IDE 将正确地为您提供属性。

Example 1:示例 1:

const Person = await PersonModel.get(1);

Example 2:示例 2:

const Person = await PersonModel.create({id: "1", name: "John" })

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