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[英]Problem installing ad-hoc app on iphone: “resources have been modified.”

I can install an app on my development iPhone compiled with "Debug" configuration using my Ad Hoc provisioning and everything works OK. 我可以使用Ad Hoc设置在使用“调试”配置编译的开发iPhone上安装应用程序,一切正常。 But when I build it using "Release" configuration, iTunes says: The application XXX was not installed on the iPhone "YYYY" because its resources have been modified. 但是,当我使用“发布”配置构建它时,iTunes会说:iPhone“ YYYY”没有安装应用程序XXX,因为它的资源已被修改。

I've never seen this message before. 我从未见过此消息。 Does anybody know what it means? 有人知道这意味着什么吗?

Thanks! 谢谢!

Antonio 安东尼奥

We had the same problem during our first Beta. 在我们的第一个Beta版中,我们遇到了同样的问题。 Someone on Windows dug in the xxx.app folder then Explorer created a Thumbs.db file inside and, boom , he got the message "The application XXX was not installed on the iPhone "YYYY" because its resources have been modified." Windows上的某人在xxx.app文件夹中挖了一个文件,然后资源管理器在其中创建了Thumbs.db文件,然后繁荣 ,他收到消息“由于未修改iPhone的资源,因此该应用XXX未安装在iPhone“ YYYY”上。“ when he tried to install. 当他尝试安装时。

He had to remove the app from iTunes, deleted all the Thumbs.db from xxx.app and then it worked. 他不得不从iTunes中删除该应用程序,从xxx.app中删除了所有Thumbs.db,然后它开始工作。

We finally got rid of the problem. 我们终于摆脱了这个问题。 We were trying to include an image for iTunes after creating the build, but when we used this method ( http://iosdevelopertips.com/xcode/itunes-icon-for-ad-hoc-distributions.html ) everything went smoothly. 创建该版本后,我们试图为iTunes包含一个图像,但是当我们使用此方法( http://iosdevelopertips.com/xcode/itunes-icon-for-ad-hoc-distributions.html )时,一切进展顺利。

Just in case it helps someone: In my case, I copied the .app to a network drive, then to my Win7 computer before dragging into iTunes - then it did not work. 以防万一它对某人有帮助:就我而言,我将.app复制到网络驱动器,然后再复制到我的Win7计算机,然后再拖到iTunes中-然后它不起作用。 When I zipped the .app first before copying, and then unzipped it on the other end - it worked. 当我在复制前先压缩.app的拉链,然后在另一端解压缩时-它起作用了。 Of course, I have no real idea why.... 当然,我不知道为什么。

Your debug configuration and your release configuration have some important differences, and release is a lot closer to what ad-hoc should look like. 您的调试配置和发布配置有一些重要的区别,发布与临时外观看起来非常接近。 So you first need to duplicate the release configuration and make and call your copy "Ad-Hoc", and make sure you use your ad-hoc provisioning profile with it. 因此,您首先需要复制发行版配置并进行复制并将其称为“ Ad-Hoc”,并确保将其与临时供应配置文件一起使用。 Then you need to create a new entitlements file. 然后,您需要创建一个新的权利文件。 The new version of Xcode has a cool feature where you can build and archive your app into an ipa file that includes your provisioning profile. 新版本的Xcode具有一项很酷的功能,您可以在其中构建应用并将其存档到包含配置文件的ipa文件中。

How to do all of this is explained here: http://www.tuaw.com/2010/05/23/devsugar-a-better-way-to-share-ad-hoc-builds/ 此处介绍了如何执行所有操作: http//www.tuaw.com/2010/05/23/devsugar-a-better-way-to-share-ad-hoc-builds/

In those instructions, when it tells you to make the entitlements plist file, it says to uncheck get-task-allow in the plist file. 在这些说明中,当它告诉您制作权利plist文件时,它说取消选中plist文件中的get-task-allow。 When I created the entitlements file, there wasn't a get-task-allow row at all, so I created one, set the type to boolean, and left it unchecked. 当我创建权利文件时,根本没有允许执行任务的行,因此我创建了一个行,将类型设置为boolean并使其未选中。 It worked great for me. 这对我来说很棒。

The best solution to avoid wierdness like this is to create an IPA file. 避免出现此类问题的最佳解决方案是创建IPA文件。 A good step-by-step guide to creating an IPA target in XCode is here: 这里是在XCode中创建IPA目标的良好分步指南:

http://idotcomllc.wordpress.com/2009/05/26/how-to-build-a-ipa-file-from-xcode/ http://idotcomllc.wordpress.com/2009/05/26/how-to-build-a-ipa-file-from-xcode/

It starts out with an introductory project so search for "Aggregate" to find the point where it starts telling you how to create a new IPA target for build. 它从一个介绍性项目开始,因此搜索“ Aggregate”以找到开始告诉您如何创建新IPA目标进行构建的点。

I directly upload the app to a server where the windows can also visit. 我将应用程序直接上传到也可以访问Windows的服务器上。 Then compress it in Windows. 然后在Windows中压缩它。


导致ipa / zip存档不完整(在安装结束时收到)的原因。

I had this problem using a run script to cp -R the .app file to the Payload folder, for some reason when the script copied the file it modified it somehow, if I used finder and manually copied the .app file into the payload folder and manually zipped the .ipa file it worked fine. 我使用运行脚本将-app文件cp -R到Payload文件夹时遇到了这个问题,由于某种原因,如果脚本使用某种方式将其复制,它会对其进行修改(如果我使用finder并将其手动复制到有效负载文件夹中)并手动压缩.ipa文件,效果很好。 I tested it several times using codesign -v to verify the .app file. 我使用codesign -v测试了几次,以验证.app文件。 it always through the error after a build and the run script. 它总是通过构建和运行脚本后的错误来解决。 but no error when I would copy the file manually. 但是当我手动复制文件时没有错误。

For me the issue was the .Double files being added to every directory on a shared network drive. 对我来说,问题是.Double文件被添加到共享网络驱动器上的每个目录中。 We are primarily a Windows environment, and the Mac was saving .Double file on the drive, in every directory. 我们主要是Windows环境,而Mac则将.Double文件保存在驱动器的每个目录中。

Literally, to fix the issue referenced above, I simply deleted the .Double files in every directory (of the app being copied to iTunes) and it fixed it. 从字面上看,要解决上述问题,我只是删除了(将应用程序复制到iTunes的)每个目录中的.Double文件,并对其进行了修复。

Hope this helps someone! 希望这对某人有帮助!

I was tasked to test some apps and for some reason was the only one on my team getting this this error. 我受命测试一些应用程序,由于某种原因,这是我团队中唯一遇到此错误的应用程序。 I am working on an XP. 我正在使用XP。 All the apps we are testing use the same provisioning file yet some would sync while others would not. 我们正在测试的所有应用程序都使用相同的配置文件,但有些会同步,而有些则不会。 Not sure what fixed it but I did go into my * My Music\\iTunes\\iTunes Media\\Mobile Applications* folder, deleted the existing .ipa file for the app I was trying to sync and it seemed to sync fine after. 不知道是什么修复了它,但是我确实进入了我的* My Music \\ iTunes \\ iTunes Media \\ Mobile Applications *文件夹,删除了我尝试同步的应用程序的现有.ipa文件,此后似乎也可以正常同步。 It might not be the answer to your problem but give it a try. 可能不是您问题的答案,但请尝试一下。

If you work with asstes on a Mac, or have versioned content, I had the same problem with .DS_Store files and hidden .git folders. 如果在Mac上使用asstes或具有版本化的内容,则.DS_Store文件和隐藏的.git文件夹也存在相同的问题。 Once deleted from assets, problem gone. 从资产中删除后,问题就消失了。 It might be an issue with hidden files. 隐藏文件可能是一个问题。

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