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[英]nokogiri: xml to html

I just want to do some straight conversion (almost just search and replace) but I'm having trouble just getting things to sit in place - I'm ending up with links out of place and duplicated content. 我只想进行一些直接转换(几乎只是搜索和替换),但在将事情放到原位时遇到了麻烦-我最终会出现链接到位和内容重复的情况。 I'm sure I'm doing something silly with my attempts at traversing the xml : ) 我确信遍历xml的尝试做得很愚蠢:

I'm trying with: 我正在尝试:

builder = Nokogiri::HTML::Builder.new do |doc|
 doc.html {
  doc.body {
   doc.div.wrapper! {
    doc.h1 "Short"

      xm.css('paragraph').each do |para|

        doc.h3.para(:id => para['number']) { doc.text para['number'] }

        doc.p.narrativeparagraph {

           xm.css('paragraph inner-section').each do |section|
              doc.span.innersection { doc.text section.content 

           xm.css('inner-section xref').each do |xref|
              doc.a(:href => "#" + xref['number']) { doc.text xref['number'] }

           xm.css('paragraph inner-text').each do |innertext|
               doc.span.innertext { doc.text innertext.content }

                } end #inner-section                 


          end#end paragraph
        }#end wrapper
      }#end body
    }#end html
  end#end builder

on: 上:

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<paragraph number="1">
  <inner-section> blah one blah <xref number="link1location"></xref>
    <inner-text> blah two blah blah </inner-text>
     blah three

<paragraph number="2">
<inner-section> blah four blah <xref number="link2location"></xref>
    <inner-text>blah five blah blah </inner-text>
         blah six


to create: 创造:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC- html40/loose.dtd">
<div id="wrapper">
<h3 class="para" id="1">1</h3>
<p class="narrativeparagraph">
 <span class="innersection"> blah one blah <a href="#link1location">link1location</a>
 <span class="innertext"> blah two blah blah </span>
     blah three</span>

<h3 class="para" id="2">2</h3>
<p class="narrativeparagraph">
 <span class="innersection"> blah four blah <a ref="#link2location">link2location</a>
 <span class="innertext">blah five blah blah </span>
     blah six</span></p>

I've been trying all sorts of things to try to get this to work, the basic html structure comes out okay, but the children of the paragraphs are a mess - any help would be very much appreciated. 我一直在尝试各种方法来使它正常工作,基本的html结构都可以,但是这些段落的子项很烂-任何帮助将不胜感激。 Regards, Ritchie 问候,里奇

There are many ways to do this, but if you insist on the Builder way, I would make a function that translates <paragraph> to <p> . 有很多方法可以做到这一点,但是如果您坚持使用Builder方法,我将创建一个将<paragraph>转换为<p>的函数。

builder = Nokogiri::HTML::Builder.new do |doc|
  doc.html {
    doc.body {
      doc.div.wrapper! {
        doc.h1 "Short"
        xm.css('paragraph').each do |para|
          doc << translate_paragraph para.dup
        end #para
    }#end body
  }#end html
end#end builder

def translate_paragraph(p)
  # Change '<paragraph>' to '<p>'
  p.name = 'p'

  # Change '<innersection>' to '<span class='innersection'>'
  p.css('innersection').each { |tag|
    tag.name = 'span'
    tag['class'] = 'innersection'

  # ...

Not perfect, but it works with Builder. 并不完美,但可以与Builder一起使用。

I would also consider XSLT, or traversing the HTML tree recursively and building from there. 我还将考虑XSLT,或者递归地遍历HTML树并从那里构建。

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