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C ++ STL make_heap和pop_heap不起作用

[英]C++ STL make_heap and pop_heap not working

I need to use a Heap, so i've searched about the STL one, but it doesn't seem to work, i wrote some code to explain what i mean: 我需要使用堆,所以我搜索了STL,但它似乎没有用,我写了一些代码来解释我的意思:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

struct data
    int indice;
    int tamanho;

bool comparator2(const data* a, const data* b)
    return (a->tamanho < b->tamanho);

int main()

        std::vector<data*> mesas;

        data x1, x2, x3, x4, x5;

        x1.indice = 1;
        x1.tamanho = 3;

        x2.indice = 2;
        x2.tamanho = 5;

        x3.indice = 3;
        x3.tamanho = 2;

        x4.indice = 4;
        x4.tamanho = 6;

        x5.indice = 5;
        x5.tamanho = 4;






        make_heap(mesas.begin(), mesas.end(), comparator2);

        for(int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
            data* mesa = mesas.front();

            printf("%d, %d\n", mesa->indice, mesa->tamanho);

    return 0;

and this is what i get: 这就是我得到的:

4, 6
2, 5
1, 3
3, 2
5, 4

So it's not working as a heap, as the maximum element on the vector is not being returned right. 所以它不是作为堆工作,因为向量上的最大元素没有正确返回。

Or am i doing something wrong? 或者我做错了什么?

You need to pass comparator2 to std::pop_heap since that is how you created the heap. 您需要将comparator2传递给std::pop_heap因为这是您创建堆的方式。 Otherwise, it will use the default less than operator for pointers, which simply compares the pointer values. 否则,它将使用默认的小于运算符的指针,它只是比较指针值。

MSN's answer is correct. MSN的答案是正确的。 However, either of a couple style guidelines can prevent this error: 但是,两种风格指南中的任何一种都可以防止此错误:

  • Declare the comparator to work on references, not objects, as operator< would. 声明比较器用于引用而不是对象,作为operator< would。 Use a vector of objects, not pointers. 使用对象vector ,而不是指针。

     bool comparator2(const data& a, const data& b) { return (a.tamanho < b.tamanho); } 

    You might really need the vector of pointers, in which case this doesn't apply. 您可能真的需要指针向量,在这种情况下这不适用。

  • Use std::priority_queue (from <queue> ), which ties together pop_heap and pop_back for you, remembering your comparator. 使用std::priority_queue (来自<queue> ),它将pop_heappop_back联系在一起,记住你的比较器。 This requires a functor comparator: 这需要一个仿函数比较器:

     struct comparator2 { bool operator()(const data& a, const data& b) { return (a.tamanho < b.tamanho); } }; std::priority_queue<data, vector<data>, comparator2> mesas; // or std::priority_queue<data, vector<data>, comparator2> mesas.push(x1); 
  • Most elegant way is to make this the default comparison for data : 最优雅的方法是将其作为data的默认比较:

     struct data { int indice; int tamanho; friend bool operator<(const data& a, const data& b) { return (a.tamanho < b.tamanho); } }; std::priority_queue<data> mesas; mesas.push(x1); 

priority_queue can also take a prefilled unsorted container, which it will copy. priority_queue还可以使用预先填充的未分类容器,它将复制。

I had a similar problem and was able to solve it with something like this: 我有一个类似的问题,并能够解决这个问题:

struct comparator2 { bool operator()(data const * const a, data const * const b)
    return (a->tamanho < b->tamanho);
 } };

std::priority_queue<data*, std::vector<data*>, comparator2> mesas;

What about std::set 那么std :: set呢

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>

struct data
    // Always put constructors on.
    // When the constructor is finished the object is ready to be used.
    data(int i,int t)

    int indice;
    int tamanho;

    // Add the comparator to the class.
    // Then you know where to look for it.
    bool operator<(data const& b) const
        return (tamanho < b.tamanho);

int main()

        std::set<data> mesas;

        // Dont declare all your variables on the same line.
        // One per line otherwise it is hard to read.
        data x1(1,3);
        data x2(2,5);
        data x3(3,2);
        data x4(4,6);
        data x5(5,4);

        // You don't actually need the variables.
        // You could have done it in place.

        // Use iterator to loop over containers.
        for(std::set<data>::iterator loop = mesas.begin(); loop != mesas.end(); ++loop)
            printf("%d, %d\n", loop->indice, loop->tamanho);

    return 0;

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