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Python - 如何找到两个向量之间的相关性?

[英]Python - How to find a correlation between two vectors?

Given two vectors X and Y , I have to find their correlation, ie their linear dependence/independence. 给定两个向量XY ,我必须找到它们的相关性,即它们的线性依赖性/独立性。 Both vectors have equal dimension. 两个向量具有相同的维度。 The result should be a floating point number from [-1.0 .. 1.0]. 结果应该是[-1.0 .. 1.0]的浮点数。

Example: 例:

X=[-1, 2,    0]
Y=[ 4, 2, -0.3]

Find y = cor(X,Y) such that y belongs to [-1.0 .. 1.0] . y = cor(X,Y)使得y属于[-1.0 .. 1.0]

It should be a simple construction involving a list-comprehension. 它应该是一个涉及列表理解的简单构造。 No external library is allowed. 不允许使用外部库。

UPDATE: ok, if the dot product is enough, then here is my solution: 更新:好的,如果点积足够,那么这是我的解决方案:

nX = 1/(sum([x*x for x in X]) ** 0.5)
nY = 1/(sum([y*y for y in Y]) ** 0.5)
cor = sum([(x*nX)*(y*nY)  for x,y in zip(X,Y) ])

right? 对?

Since range is supposed to be [-1, 1] I think that the Pearson Correlation can be ok for your purposes. 由于范围应该是[-1, 1]我认为Pearson Correlation可以满足您的需要。

Also dot-product would work but you'll have to normalize vectors before calculating it and you can have a -1,1 range just if you have also negative values.. otherwise you would have 0,1 点积也可以工作,但你必须在计算之前对矢量进行标准化,并且如果你还有负值,你可以得到-1,1范围。否则你会得到0,1

Sounds like a dot product to me. 对我来说听起来像点产品

Solve the equation for the cosine of the angle between the two vectors, which is always in the range [-1, 1], and you'll have what you want. 求解两个向量之间角度余弦的等式,它始终在[-1,1]范围内,你就可以得到你想要的。

It's equal to the dot product divided by the magnitudes of two vectors. 它等于点积除以两个矢量的大小。

Don't assume because a formula is algebraically correct that its direct implementation in code will work. 不要假设,因为公式在代数上是正确的,它在代码中的直接实现将起作用。 There can be numerical problems with some definitions of correlation. 一些相关定义可能存在数值问题。

See How to calculate correlation accurately 请参见如何准确计算相关性

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