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[英]How do you declare a method as public but non-static in PHP?


They are non-static by default: 默认情况下它们是非静态的:

public function method() {


You will get an E_STRICT if you call it statically, but I don't think you can easily enforce that it can only be called on an instance - if you try to check $this I think you will get an error. 如果你静态地调用它,你将得到一个E_STRICT ,但我认为你不能轻易地强制它只能在一个实例上调用 - 如果你试图检查 $this我认为你会得到一个错误。 You could do isset($this) as Artefacto says and throw an exception if it isn't set. 您可以按照Artefacto的说法进行isset($this) ,如果未设置则抛出异常。

class abc() {

 public function foo() {

$c = new abc();
class abc() {

 public function foo() {
     if (!isset($this)) {
         throw new Exception('Method is non-static.');

$c = new abc();

Not tested. 没有测试过。

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