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[英]Why do I get “Expected ;” error and “Variable not declared in scope” error?

i have following code 我有以下代码

#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

template<class  Container>
void print(const Container &c)

   Container::const_iterator itr;
   for (itr=c.begin();itr!=c.end();itr++){
      cout<<*itr<< '\n';


int main(){

   return 0;


but errors are 但是错误是

reverse.cpp: In function ‘void print(const Container&)’:
reverse.cpp:9: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘itr’
reverse.cpp:10: error: ‘itr’ was not declared in this scope
reverse.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
reverse.cpp:17: error: ‘s’ was not declared in this scope
reverse.cpp:17: error: ‘>>’ should be ‘> >’ within a nested template argument list

What might cause this and how do I solve it? 是什么原因造成的,我该如何解决?

You need typename Container::const_iterator instead of Container::const_iterator . 您需要typename Container::const_iterator而不是Container::const_iterator

At the point the compiler is reading your code, it doesn't know that Container has such a type (it is a so-called dependent name). 编译器正在读取您的代码时,它不知道Container具有这种类型(这是所谓的从属名称)。

Alexandre is right about the first two errors. 亚历山大对前两个错误是正确的。 The last two are due to an annoying syntax limitation of C++: you need to have a space in between the two closing brackets in the template expression: 最后两个是由于C ++令人讨厌的语法限制所致:您需要在模板表达式的两个右方括号之间留一个空格:

set<string,greater<string> > s;

Otherwise, C++ interprets it as the right shift >> operator. 否则,C ++会将其解释为右移>>运算符。

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