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[英]why i got ‘replace’ was not declared in this scope error?

I wanna to use replace for my code to detect palindrome, and this is part of it我想用我的代码替换来检测回文,这是其中的一部分

cout<<isPalindrome("Won't I panic in a pit now?")<<endl;

bool PalindromeFinder::isPalindrome(string input){

    char chars[] = {' ' , '\'' , '?' , '!' , ','};

    for (int i=0; i<input.length(); i++) {
        replace(input.begin(), input.end(), chars[i], '\0');


it give me the proper result which is wontipanicinapitnow它给了我正确的结果,即 wontipanicinapitnow

but when when i run the function it gave me 'replace' was not declared in this scope.但是当我运行该函数时,它给我的“替换”没有在此范围内声明。 any suggestion?有什么建议吗?

You didn't #include <algorithm> , and you didn't write std::replace .您没有#include <algorithm> ,也没有编写std::replace

The documentation is your friend.文档是您的朋友。

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