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[英]Big O complexity of finding cycles in an Undirected graph

I need to find the complexity of finding all the cycles in a undirected graph consisting of 50 nodes. 我需要找到在包含50个节点的无向​​图中找到所有循环的复杂性。 Moreover, if the graph grows large, will the complexity be changed and what will be it if the network grows considerably large. 此外,如果图形变大,那么复杂度是否会发生变化,如果网络变得相当大,则复杂度将如何变化。 In addition, if I find only few cycles then how do I find the complexity of finding few cycles in a graph. 另外,如果我只找到几个循环,那么如何找到在图中找到几个循环的复杂性。

Thanking you in Anticipation! 感谢你在期待!

Using depth-first search and proactive marking of nodes, you can find cycles simply by noticing any time that you run into a marked node in your search. 使用深度优先搜索和主动标记节点,只需注意在搜索中遇到标记节点的任何时间,就可以找到周期。

This is an O(V+E) approach, I believe, where V is the number of vertices or nodes and E is the number of edges or connections. 我相信这是一种O(V+E)方法,其中V是顶点或节点的数量, E是边或连接的数量。

If you put the nodes in a particular branch on a stack, you can also easily determine the cycle path. 如果将节点放在堆栈上的特定分支中,则还可以轻松确定循环路径。 Just make sure to pop a node out each time you backtrack. 只要确保每次回溯时弹出一个节点即可。

A given graph can have exponential number of cycles (in the size of graph). 给定的图可以具有指数周期(以图的大小为单位)。 Consider a bipartite graph where v i is connected to w i+1 % n and w i is connected to v i+1%n . 考虑一个二部图,其中v i连接到w i + 1%n,并且w i连接到v i + 1%n

So unless you have specific kind of graphs, there is no hope for polynomial time solutions. 因此,除非您拥有特定种类的图,否则多项式时间解是没有希望的。 A solution that runs in exponential time is very easy to build. 以指数时间运行的解决方案非常易于构建。 Consider all permutations of vertices, see if that ordering results in a cycle. 考虑所有顶点的排列,看看该顺序是否导致一个循环。

Of course, in practical terms you can come up with solutions that are much faster than that. 当然,实际上,您可以想出比这快得多的解决方案。

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