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[英]Convert text file into 2d array in vb.net

I have a text file like 我有一个像文本文件


I need to read this into a 2d array of integers I already have the code to read the file 我需要将其读入2D整数数组中,我已经有了读取文件的代码

 Dim fullpath = "Path to File"
 Dim objReader As StreamReader
 objReader = New StreamReader(fullpath)

But i dont know what to do after that. 但我不知道在那之后该怎么做。 I'm know this is something simple but i just cant think of it now -_- 我知道这很简单,但我现在想不到-_-

I assume the 2d array is to store each individual digit in each individual row. 我假设二维数组将在每个单独的行中存储每个单独的数字。 Also assume we only have 4 lines of 5 numbers each. 还假设我们只有4行,每行5个数字。 (Don't assume this, unless you know its forceable--otherwise calculate the necessary size and redim the array) (除非您知道它是可强制执行的,否则不要假设此方法,否则请计算必要的大小并重新排列数组)

    Dim myArray(4, 5) As Integer, y As Integer = 0, x As Integer = 0
    Dim fullpath = "Path to File"

    Using sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(fullpath )
            Do While sr.Peek() >= 0
                   For Each c As Char In sr.ReadLine
                           myArray(x, y) = Integer.Parse(c)
                       Catch ex As Exception 'i assume this is the only possible error, but we could be out of bounds due to assuming the actual size of the file/line... catch specific exceptions as necessary'
                           Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Error converting {0} to an integer.", c))
                       End Try
                       y += 1
                   x += 1
                   y = 0
       End Using

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