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XNA 2d图形库

[英]XNA 2d drawing library

Is there any free XNA 2d drawing library ? 有没有免费的XNA 2d图形库

I would like support for common drawing operation and effects . 我希望支持常见的绘制操作效果

There isn't one that I know of(and I spent a good while looking). 我没有一个知道的(我花了很多时间看)。 Your best bet is just to use 3d primitive-drawing (as described here ). 最好的办法就是使用3D原始绘图(如描述在这里 )。 Or, if you want to draw lines, you could just take a 1x1 pixel sprite and expand the source-rectangle as needed. 或者,如果要绘制线,则可以只使用1x1像素的精灵,并根据需要扩展源矩形。

There is a PrimitiveBatch class in the Nuclex Framework: http://nuclexframework.codeplex.com/ . Nuclex框架中有一个PrimitiveBatch类: http ://nuclexframework.codeplex.com/。

It's in the namespace Nuclex.Graphics.Batching. 它在命名空间Nuclex.Graphics.Batching中。

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