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[英]Web Window Manager (UI Framework)

I'm interested in putting together a web framework to emulate a desktop-like window manager. 我有兴趣组建一个Web框架来模拟类似桌面的窗口管理器。 If you're asking why; 如果你问为什么; the reason is that I want to create a web application that has the capabilities and look-and-feel of a desktop application, yet be portable across multiple platforms and without installing software. 原因是我想创建一个具有桌面应用程序功能和外观的Web应用程序,但可以跨多个平台移植而无需安装软件。 I'll most likely be doing this is JavaScript, possibly with the aid of jQuery. 我很可能会这样做是JavaScript,可能借助于jQuery。 I just wanted to gauge some opinions prior to building it. 我只是想在构建它之前评估一些意见。

Generally, what features and/or behavior do you expect from your ideal window manager? 通常,您期望从理想的窗口管理器中获得哪些功能和/或行为? Also, is a task like this most suited for a canvas-based implementation or a HTML element implementation? 此外,这样的任务是否最适合基于画布的实现或HTML元素实现?

I know there are some other options out there, but I want to create a pretty comprehensive API as a sort of gateway project. 我知道还有其他选择,但我想创建一个非常全面的API作为一种网关项目。 Are there any existing projects that come into mind? 是否存在任何现有项目? I know jQuery-UI is pretty popular, and I've used it occasionally. 我知道jQuery-UI很受欢迎,偶尔也会使用它。

I am in the same position as the OP and am interested in seeing some actual responses and not criticisms of the question. 我与OP处于相同的位置,并且有兴趣看到一些实际的回答,而不是批评这个问题。 There are a lot of different frameworks out there and given limited time it's not an easy thing to research. 有很多不同的框架,并且在有限的时间内研究并不容易。

Of course there is a concise way to answer this question: "I chose (framework X) for my last project because (reason A), (reason B), etc. and eliminated (framework Y) because (reason C)" 当然有一个简洁的方法来回答这个问题:“我为我的上一个项目选择(框架X)因为(原因A),(原因B)等等而被淘汰(框架Y)因为(原因C)”

It's not wheel reinvention - the question is about wheel SELECTION. 这不是车轮改造 - 问题是车轮选择。

I'll also add this: 我还要补充一下:

jquery & plugins is great based on my experience with jquery but suffers from unified look and feel due to there not being a single library of UI plugins. 基于我对jquery的经验,jquery和plugins非常棒,但由于没有单一的UI插件库,因此会出现统一的外观和感觉。

GWT is a front-runner for me right now as I'm going to use Glassfish/Java as my app server, and I'm trying to figure out how well it supports tablet clients. GWT现在是我的领跑者,因为我将使用Glassfish / Java作为我的应用服务器,而我正在试图弄清楚它对平板电脑客户端的支持程度。

Sencha/ExtJS has what I'm looking for from the perspective of all the components, but if I'm going to spend the money to get a commercial product I'd rather purchase one from adobe (AIR) or another big company that I know will be around for a longer time. Sencha / ExtJS从所有组件的角度来看我正在寻找的东西,但是如果我要花钱购买商品,我宁愿从adobe(AIR)或其他大公司那里购买一件商品。知道将会存在更长的时间。 I'm also concerned over the amount of structure that Sencha's proprietary MVC will constrain me to on the app server - it probably will cause me a lot of work to develop around it. 我也担心Sencha的专有MVC会限制我在应用服务器上的结构数量 - 这可能会让我在它周围开展很多工作。

Dojo is also promising, I'm researching that further. 道场也很有希望,我正在进一步研究。

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