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如何在C ++中将base64字符串转换为十六进制字符串?

[英]How do I convert a base64 string to hexadecimal string in C++?

I have a string that represents a value in base64. 我有一个表示base64中值的字符串。 I want to convert this string from base64 to hexadecimal. 我想将此字符串从base64转换为十六进制。 I'm working in C++ on Ubuntu 10.10. 我正在Ubuntu 10.10上使用C ++进行工作。 I have the following code: 我有以下代码:

std::string ssir = "DNQwSinfOUSSWd+U04r23A==";
std::string dec=(base64_decode(ssir));
std::stringstream ss;

for (int i=0; i<dec.size(); ++i) {
    if (i != 0) ss << ':';
 ss << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << static_cast<unsigned int>(dec[i]);//(int)(dec[i]);
std::string res;
res= ss.str();
cout<<"the ress is: "<<res<<std::endl;

The result is: 结果是:

0c:ffffffd4:30:4a:29:ffffffdf:39:44:ffffff92:59:ffffffdf:ffffff94:ffffffd3:ffffff8a:fffffff6:ffffffdc 0C:ffffffd4:30:4A:29:ffffffdf:39:44:ffffff92:59:ffffffdf:ffffff94:ffffffd3:ffffff8a:fffffff6:ffffffdc

It is correct, besides those ffffffff. 除了那些ffffffff,它是正确的。 What can I do to fix this? 我该怎么做才能解决此问题? If I want my hexadecimal result to be written to a std::vector<unsigned char> x , what do I have to do? 如果我想将十六进制结果写入std::vector<unsigned char> x ,该怎么办?

Try using this cast instead: 尝试使用此强制转换:

static_cast<unsigned char>(dec[i])

int is 32 bits wide and you only want to output 8 bits, which is how wide char is. int是32位宽,您只想输出8位,这就是char宽度。 Presumably std::hex is considering the input type when formatting the number. 在格式化数字时,大概std::hex正在考虑输入类型。 (Though I'm not quite sure where the sign extension is coming from, since you are casting to an unsigned type...) (尽管我不确定符号扩展名来自何处,因为您正在转换为无符号类型...)

@cdhowie's post is nearly correct. @cdhowie的帖子几乎正确。 However, if you cast to a char (signed or unsigned), the standard stream operators will attempt to write out the ASCII value of that character. 但是,如果强制转换为char (有符号或无符号),则标准流运算符将尝试写出该字符的ASCII值。 You will either need another cast: 您将需要另一个强制转换:

static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned char>(dec[i]))

or to explicitly truncate the value: 或显式截断值:

(static_cast<int>(dec[i]) & 0xFF)

(In both cases, your outer int does not need to be unsigned ; in the first case, signed int is wide enough to hold all unsigned char values, and in the second, you are explicitly making the value positive.) (在两种情况下,都不需要对外部int进行unsigned ;在第一种情况下, signed int足够宽,可以容纳所有unsigned char值;在第二种情况下,您将使该值显式为正。)

You can try another string to hex conversion method. 您可以尝试其他字符串到十六进制的转换方法。 I wrote two functions. 我写了两个函数。 The str_to_hex - is my method. str_to_hex-是我的方法。 str_to_hex2 - is your. str_to_hex2-是您的。 I omit base64 encoding. 我省略了base64编码。 And then I invoked 1M times my function and your. 然后我调用了1M次函数和您的函数。 The execution time for str_to_hex is str_to_hex的执行时间为

time ./a.out 

real    0m0.365s
user    0m0.360s
sys 0m0.010s

And the execution time for str_to_hex2 is: 并且str_to_hex2的执行时间为:

time ./a.out 

real    0m3.253s
user    0m3.220s
sys 0m0.000s

Ubuntu 10.04, 64bit, g++ 4.4.3, -O3 option. Ubuntu 10.04、64位,g ++ 4.4.3,-O3选项。

The code of testing programm is below. 测试程序的代码如下。

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>

void str_to_hex() {
    std::string ssir = "DNQwSinfOUSSWd+U04r23A==";
    static const char *hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    std::string result;
    result.reserve(ssir.size() * 3);
    for (std::string::const_iterator i = ssir.begin(), end = ssir.end(); i != end; ++i) {
        if (i != ssir.begin())
        result.push_back(hex[*i >> 4]);
        result.push_back(hex[*i & 0xf]);

void str_to_hex2() {
    std::string ssir = "DNQwSinfOUSSWd+U04r23A==";
    std::stringstream ss;
    for (int i=0; i<ssir.size(); ++i) {
            if (i != 0) ss << ':';
             ss << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << static_cast<unsigned int>(ssir[i] & 0xff);

int main() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i)


I am not sure if this is the best solution but this is how I did it. 我不确定这是否是最好的解决方案,但这就是我的方法。

#include <vector>
#include <bitset>
#include <string>


unsigned int HexToDec(std::string hexInput)
    //initlize variables
    const int HexBaseASCCI = 48;
    const int HexBase = 16;
    size_t hexCharPlace = hexInput.size() -1;
    int  result  = 0;

    //reading the hexInput
    for (int i = 0; i < hexInput.size(); i++)
        char hexChar = hexInput.at(i);
        int  dec  = 0;
        //Finde the equvilcey of the char hex u read from the HexNum string
        if (hexChar>='0' && hexChar<='9'){dec = (int)hexChar - HexBaseASCCI;}
        { switch (hexChar)
            {   case ('A') :
                case ('a') : {dec = 10; break;}
                case ('B') :
                case ('b') : {dec = 11; break;}
                case ('C') :
                case ('c') : {dec = 12; break;}
                case ('D') :
                case ('d') : {dec = 13; break;}
                case ('E') :
                case ('e') : {dec = 14; break;}
                case ('F') :
                case ('f') : {dec = 15; break;}
                case ('X') :
                case ('x') : {dec = 0; break;}
                default    : {

                    std::string msg ("is not in hex format");
                    throw std::logic_error(msg);};

        //calculating the final dec
        result += dec * pow(HexBase,hexCharPlace);

    return result;

//HexToDec vector version
std::vector<unsigned int> HexToDec(std::vector<std::string> hex)

    std::vector<unsigned int> dec;

    for( auto x : hex){
    return dec;

//BreakHexStringIntoGroups           TODO .. needs to imporve
std::vector<std::string> BreakHexStringIntoGroups(std::string hexInput, unsigned long lengthOfBreaks)
    std::vector<std::string> hexGroups;

    if(!(hexInput.size() % 2)){

        for (auto index(0); index < hexInput.size(); index+=lengthOfBreaks )

        for (auto index(0); index < hexInput.size()-1; index+=lengthOfBreaks )

    return hexGroups;

std::vector<std::string> DecTo8BitsBin(std::vector<unsigned int> dec)
    std::vector<std::string> bin;
    for (auto x: dec)
    return bin;

std::string FuseStringVector(std::vector<std::string> vec)
    std::string res;

    for (auto str: vec)
    return res;

//BreakBinStringInto6BitsGroups      TODO .. needs to imporve
std::vector<std::string> BreakBinStringInto6BitsGroups(std::string longBin){

    std::vector<std::string> res;
    if (!(longBin.size() % 6))
        for (unsigned int i(0) ; i < longBin.size(); i+=6){

        unsigned int max6AlignedIndex = (longBin.size() / 6)*6;
        unsigned int paddingZeros = 6 -(longBin.size() % 6);

        for (unsigned int i(0) ; i < max6AlignedIndex; i+=6){

        res.push_back(longBin.substr(max6AlignedIndex) + std::string(paddingZeros, '0'));

    return res;

unsigned int Bin6BitsToDec(std::string bin6Bit){

    unsigned int decimalNumber(0), i(0), remainder(0);
    unsigned int n (std::stoi(bin6Bit));

    while (n!=0)
        remainder = n%10;
        n /= 10;
        decimalNumber += remainder*pow(2,i);
    return decimalNumber;

//Bin6BitsToDec  vector
std::vector<unsigned int> Bin6BitsToDec(std::vector<std::string> bin6Bits)
    std::vector<unsigned int> dec;

    for(auto bin: bin6Bits)
    return dec;

std::vector<char> DecToBase64(std::vector<unsigned int> dec)
    const std::string base64Table("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/");
    std::vector<char> res;

    for(auto x: dec)
    return res;

std::string FuseCharVector(std::vector<char> vec)
    return std::string(vec.begin(), vec.end());

std::string HexToBase64(std::string hex){

    std::vector<std::string> brokenHexGroups(BreakHexStringIntoGroups(hex,2));
    std::vector<unsigned int> brokenHexGroupsInDec(HexToDec(brokenHexGroups));
    std::vector<std::string> bin8bits= DecTo8BitsBin(brokenHexGroupsInDec);
    std::string fusedBin8bits = FuseStringVector(bin8bits);
    std::vector<std::string> bin6Bits = BreakBinStringInto6BitsGroups(fusedBin8bits);
    std::vector<unsigned int> bin6BitsInDec(Bin6BitsToDec(bin6Bits));
    std::vector<char> decToBase64Chars = DecToBase64(bin6BitsInDec);
    std::string finalString = FuseCharVector(decToBase64Chars);

    return finalString;

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